The Characteristics of a Peak Soul Formation Cultivator, A Treasure That Symbolizes the Source (2)

This way, when he flipped to the latest chapter, it would suddenly show that there was not enough balance. He could only preview a few paragraphs of the chapter and could not see the rest of the content at all. It was more or less how he felt now.

"What's going on?" Cui Heng frowned.

[Honorable Host, hello! The content you are browsing no longer belongs to the service scope of the "All-rounded Cultivation Package Upgrade". Please upgrade the package.]

[After upgrading, you can freely read the High-level Immortal Technique, From Initiate to Ascension. I wish you a happy life.]

[Advanced Omnipotent Immortal Cultivation Package: After you buy this package, you can transform all the original package functions into a high-level version, bringing you a better cultivation service experience and giving you a home-like feeling.