Nine Nether Demonic Qi at the Dharma Banquet (2)

Now that Shen Lou had brought people to sit around Hong Fugui, it naturally made more people look at Hong Fugui, wanting to see what was so special about this "young man" that Shen Lou actually valued him so much. After Shen Lou sat for a while and saw more and more people gathering around, he became even calmer in his heart. The expression on his face was almost completely normal. He smiled and asked, "How should I address you?"

"Just call me Hongwu." Hong Fugui nodded slightly and smiled. "You're the head of the Eight Divine Generals of the Human Ancestor Hall, Shen Lou. I already know."

"I'm ashamed." Shen Lou cupped his hands humbly, but his heart was even calmer. He continued to ask, "May I know who Fellow Daoist Hongwu followed here? Are you from the Cui Clan?"

This conversation confused the surrounding people. Why did it look like Shen Lou was not familiar with Hongwu? Then why were they sitting together?

Because of this so-called "Cui Clan"?