A Prince Should Be Killed If He Is Unreasonable, The Origin Supreme Treasure Is Appearing

"Royal Father, save me!!"

The old man's ecstatic voice echoed in the boiling chaos and reached everyone's ears.

Immediately after, his voice passed through the regional barrier that had already begun to turn illusory and reached the Middle Three Dao Realms and Lower Three Dao Realms Regions.

As the Middle Three Dao Realms Region was not attacked, nor had they experienced any changes, before this voice descended, no one there knew anything.

The Human Monarch's descendant, who called himself Human Ancestor, was still trying his best to rope in people everywhere, trying to use this method to increase the weight of his identity and seek a chance to live.

There were still many people who were interested in his identity as the Human Monarch's descendant.

On one hand, the reputation of the Human Monarch was still huge even after 10,000 years. This was enough to affect many current big shots.