The Power of the Great Dao, Uninvited Guests

Venerate Juntian?!

Cui Heng frowned when he heard this name.

Was he talking about Zhou Juntian?

Back in the Silver Disc Star Sea, a group of "Outer World" experts had addressed Zhou Juntian like this.

It was a title of respect.

At this moment, Cui Heng was really surprised to hear the name Venerate Juntian from the son of the Human Monarch.

It had been a long time since he heard any news about Zhou Juntian.

After all, with Zhou Juntian's situation, it was almost impossible for him to come into contact with experts in the Upper Three Dao Realms and above.

Logically speaking, Zhou Juntian's strength should be equivalent to the natural-born Supreme Venerate of the Daozhou Star's Heavenly Void World, the Holy Mother of White Lotus of the Three Higher Heavens, and the Lord of the Heavenly Court of the Heaven Realm.

He should not be capable of growing endlessly stronger like the Immortal supporting characters of legends.