Ferocious Beasts, Nine Nether, Immortal King

Although this Nine-Layered Golden Light Pagoda was powerful, it was still an inanimate object.

It was not a Numinous Treasure that had developed self-awareness.

Under normal circumstances, with the magical techniques of Immortal cultivators, it was not difficult to subdue an ownerless treasure that was stronger than them.

Not to mention that Cui Heng had specially cultivated the "Weapon Suppression Technique" to target Dharma treasures and weapons.

However, in Tian Qing's opinion, this was an unbelievable thing. He could not understand it at all.

In his understanding, it was impossible for anyone to subdue a treasure stronger than themselves.

Moreover, the higher the level of the treasure, the more obvious this situation was.

If it was not a treasure bestowed by a stronger expert, they had to use a specific method to communicate with the spirituality contained in the treasure and let their power adapt to it bit by bit.