Primordial World, Nine Heaven Realms, Beginning and End (3)

The reason why he ended up in such a state was because he had mistaken Cui Heng for someone who had also descended from the Primordial World and wanted to stir up trouble for him.

Although many forces in the Primordial World faced the same enemy, they also fought with each other. It might even be a fight to the death.

There were four or five forces that maintained a similar power with the Zhuyang Palace.

These forces definitely did not want him, an Immortal King, to succeed in making up for his mistakes in this universe.

In Haojun's opinion, Cui Heng's actions of searching for the Origin Supreme Treasures confirmed the possibility of him stirring up trouble.

After all, through the Origin Supreme Treasures, one could affect the Origin Great Dao.

This might affect his infiltration of this universe.

At first, after Haojun discovered Cui Heng's abnormality, he wanted to bribe him.