Prologue Begins, Heavenly Heart Mist (2)

Therefore, as members of the banquet, Jin Lingshi, King Haoran, Lord Tianzhu, and the others all had the right to enter this world at any time. Moreover, after entering this world, they could directly send messages to the other members.

Hence, this place surprisingly became their refuge.

However, after coming here, they were still a little uneasy, so they used the special functions of this world to keep tabs on Han Shenyi's current situation.

However, what they saw made their eyes almost pop out.

Many of the living beings killed by Han Shenyi were their descendants, successors, and even personal disciples.

Now, their bodies and souls had been destroyed!

"This person will definitely be killed by Immortal Cui Heng if he massacres people like this!" Tianzhu Lord said in a low voice. "We just have to wait quietly. Immortal Cui Heng will definitely attack!"