Taiwu Mountain, The Arrival of an Invincible Immortal King!

The Primordial World was vast and endless. It had existed for a long time.

After the unbridled expansion that the Supreme God of Earth did to the land, sea, mountains, rivers, and so on, coupled with the exploration and changes of the world made by humans, and many chaotic calamities, it finally formed the current appearance.

In the endless sea, there were nine extremely huge continents. In the past, there was an Immortal Ancestor on every continent. But now that there were only six Immortal Ancestors left, three geographical regions no longer had Immortal Ancestors overseeing them.

This was the case for the region where the Taiwu Mountain was located.

However, although there was no Immortal Ancestor here, there was an Immortal Emperor in charge.

Of course, in reality, the Immortal Ancestors had long been living in seclusion and would only appear in times of great tribulation.