400 Years Before Leaving the Beginner's Space

The waves of the River of Time flowed past Cui Heng, but the power of time could no longer bring him decay.

As the shadows retreated rapidly, Cui Heng's perception spread from the current spacetime to Daozhou Star in the past.

In the end, it stopped at the moment he walked out of the Beginner's Space, 400 years ago.

Cui Heng had considered why he chose this time period.

His 300 years in the Beginner's Space were completely blank, as if they did not exist at all.

However, this did not mean that he was completely unable to touch those 300 years.

In fact, Cui Heng had always been able to affect the 300 years period of time and could directly descend over. However, he could only appear outside the Beginner's Space and could not trace the situation in the Beginner's Space at all.

This might cause a very strange outcome.