Go Back 10,000 Years From Now, There Will Be No More of You!

A battle at the Immortal Ancestor level was about to begin!

This instantly alarmed the living beings in the Primordial World and the Boundless Chaos Universe. Many Immortal Emperors and Quasi Immortal Emperors looked up.

An unprecedented turbulence appeared in the River of Time, and huge waves surged like a tsunami.

Countless tributaries of time were split apart and moved forward from the current time point. The space-time of the past thousands of years had become chaotic. All kinds of matter and time seemed to have twisted into a mess, chaotic and unclear.

At this moment, even experts at the Peak Heavenless Realm or the Taisu Realm had lost the ability to look back in time. They did not even dare to touch the power of time.

A battle at the Immortal Ancestor level was a battle on the Time Spectrum. It affected the current disputes by changing the past, affecting the River of Time the entire time.