History of Time, Dreams and Illusions

The balls of light left behind by the Supreme God of Man contained a large number of the origin mysteries of this world.

Although Cui Heng had yet to completely comprehend them, he had already comprehended most of it. His cultivation realm had naturally increased, and he was much stronger than when he killed Immortal Ancestor Zongmu.

Therefore, the power of the Immortal Binding Rope had also increased.

Facing such a powerful imprisonment force, the seven Immortal Ancestors did not even have the chance to dodge. They directly lost the ability to move and were frozen on the spot.

Then, the seven golden ropes landed on the seven Immortal Ancestors and instantly bound them together.

While the Immortal Binding Rope imprisoned their movements, it also imprisoned all their strength. Even time was bound, causing the flow of time to stop for this moment.