Catching Immortal Ancestors Like Catching Fish (2)

"Die!" Immortal Ancestor Xu Cheng roared angrily, "No matter how powerful your abilities are, can you resist the power of the Primordial World gathered from endless space and time?!" "You're the only one who can make us form such an attack with the Sage Battle Halberds." Immortal Ancestor Huang Yun appeared high and mighty as he looked down at Cui Heng. "You should feel honored."

Immortal Ancestor Zongmu who was supposed to be dead in the future was still alive at this time point. He already knew about his future death and was filled with killing intent towards Cui Heng.

"Outer Dao cultivator of unknown origin, you will definitely die today!" Immortal Ancestor Zongmu said in a low voice. He was most concerned about Cui Heng's power characteristics.

This power that was completely not suppressed by the Sage Battle Halberds was filled with too many variables, making it difficult to figure out. He had to kill this person as soon as possible.