Her Big Brother Immortal

What was the End?

This was a question Cui Heng had been thinking about before. Would everything return to nothingness, or would everything be destroyed?

If that was really the case, what kind of rules were followed?

Was it the laws of nature, or was someone secretly manipulating all of this?

Before reaching this final outcome, no one knew the answers to these questions.

At this moment, Cui Heng was already standing before the end point. The countless timelines behind him had already become the past.

As long as he took another step forward, he could step into the end of this time, the end of everything, the end of everything, and find out the truth.

At the same time, he would truly complete the last step of the Peak Return to Void Realm and reach the end of the Return to Void Realm. From then on, he would know everything and be omnipotent.

"The current me is infinitely close to the end of the Return to Void Realm."