Scripture Depository, Broken Army Swift Dragon Strike

"Damn it! Who are you? You actually dare to injure someone from my Bright Fire Army? Die!"

A sword light pressed down on the sky and transformed into a huge sword of spiritual qi that was thousands of miles long that slashed at the vortex black shadow from the Red Tower Mountain in a mighty manner!

However, at that instant, the black shadow let out a hiss!

A ferocious and violent huge snake head wearing an ethereal aura suddenly appeared in the sky and bit towards the spiritual qi sword!


Before the spiritual qi sword could slash down, it was already damaged and dissipated.

Then, an even more terrifying scene occurred.

After the terrifying snake head bit off the spiritual qi sword, it actually began to absorb the surrounding spiritual qi!

The black shadow of the Red Tower Mountain gradually began to grow in the sight of the Bright Fire Dynasty and the Primordial Dynasty.