Magic Artifact Gift Bag, Immortal Transformation Pot

He did not expect this Magic Artifact Gift Bag to be available so easily. There was not even a hint!

Gong Ziliang began to directly use the thick set of vouchers he had originally with his new two $10 vouchers to buy the $58 Magic Artifact Gift Bag.

"Buy, buy, buy!"

[Ding! Congratulations on purchasing the $58 Magic Artifact Gift Bag. Do you want to open it immediately?]

[Ding! 580 VIP privilege experience points obtained!]

He spent $58 but did not increase his VIP level. Regarding this, Gong Ziliang smacked his lips and was not surprised!

After all, the higher the VIP level, the higher the amount one needed to spend for each level!

These were all old tricks!

He should open the Magic Artifact Gift Bag first!


"Open it, open it! I hope it can open something good! Good luck, wish me luck!"

"I'm willing to exchange for it with the price of my readers being single for ten years!"