I Am Gong Ziliang

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister! Come over quickly!"

Then, Gong Ziliang looked behind him and directly shouted, "Someone's bullying me here!"

"What senior brothers and sisters?"

Those outer sect disciples who were rushing over crazily naturally heard Gong Ziliang's words.

However, after thinking about it carefully, their eyes lit up!

"Could it be that this kid knows that he can't escape this time? So he called his senior brothers and sisters over to fight us?"

When Lin Jie thought of this, he immediately wanted to laugh out loud!

This was really something that could be obtained easily!

They originally thought that chasing after Gong Ziliang in this hunting test would cause them to lose a lot of contribution points!

Now, if this kid brought his senior brothers and sisters over, wouldn't they directly profit greatly?!

"This kid really knows how to scam his teammates!"