Infinity Tower Has Been Activated!

"This is…"

At the same time, a memory that did not belong to Gong Ziliang appeared in his mind.

When he flipped through this memory, seven words immediately appeared in his mind:

[This is my legacy: Myriad Sword Convergence!]

Seeing these words in his mind, Gong Ziliang's gaze froze.

Then, Gong Ziliang carefully read the content of this and discovered that it was actually a supreme inheritance.

This was none other than this old man's inheritance!

As the entire Myriad Sword Sect used swords as weapons and their sword techniques were at the highest level, they could use countless swords to fight in battle!

This old man walked the path of fusing the myriad swords!

In the beginning, he commanded tens of thousands of swords to fight at the same time. Then, the number of commands became smaller and smaller. At the same time, the requirement for accuracy became higher and higher.

In the end, there would only be one sword left!