This Guy is Too Powerful!

They attacked the Emperor almost at the same time.

Immediately, everyone saw three claw marks appear on the Emperor's body.

A claw mark shattered the longsword in the Emperor's hand.

A claw mark tore the battle robe on the Emperor.

A claw mark attacked the Emperor's face.

There were three deep marks left on him!

The Emperor, who was attacked by three Meridian Opening spiritual beasts, directly spat out blood and flew backward!

"Emperor!!!" Seeing this, the generals below looked over angrily and roared loudly!

However, they were all entangled by the spirit beast and could not escape at all. They could only watch helplessly as the Meridian Opening spirit beast attacked again!

The generals even turned their heads away to watch the next scene.


However, in the next moment, they suddenly heard a tragic roar coming from the mouth of the spirit beast.