Myriad Star Technique

"Gong Ziliang, Bai Yutian, Chu Shuang, Zhu Ziwei, and the Sect Master are waiting for you in the Meeting Pavilion! Go over quickly!"

At this moment, Elder Mei Hua had appeared in front of them at some point and waved her hand at them.


When he heard that he actually made the Sect Master of the Myriad Sword Sect wait, Gong Ziliang coughed lightly and felt a little honored.

As expected, after Gong Ziliang arrived at the meeting hall, he immediately saw that almost all the elders of the Myriad Sword Sect were here.

In front of them was the Sect Master of the Myriad Sword Sect, a Tribulation Realm expert—Jian Zun!

"Gong Ziliang, you're here!"

After Jian Zun sensed Gong Ziliang's aura, he immediately turned around excitedly, "Good, good, good! You did well!"

"With the cultivation of the Illusory Core Realm, you defeated the Angry Vajra of the True Martial Realm alone! This battle result can be said to be extremely dazzling!"