Searching for the Demon Cult During the Competition

Just like that, this chaotic battle lasted for about two hours before slowly dissipating!

At this moment, the number of people on the platform had also become only a few thousand!

In this battle, almost 80% of the disciples were eliminated!

Almost all the remaining disciples had cultivations above the Profound Realm!

It could be said that the difference between them had become very small!

Gong Ziliang arrived at a high ground.

From here, he could clearly see the distribution of disciples below.

"The remaining disciples are all the elites of the various large sects! I believe that the Demon Cult should be unable to hold back and attack, right?"

"Where will those Demon Cult disciples hide?"

Gong Ziliang looked at the surrounding disciples. From their appearance, they looked extremely similar and could not be seen to be any different.