Opportunity Is Coming, Spacetime Realm

[Ding! Congratulations on successfully raising your Ancient Sword Control Technique to Level 53!]


With the system notification, Gong Ziliang felt a huge amount of information explode in his mind.

Then, the various inherited sword techniques related to the Ancient Sword Control Technique were deeply engraved in his mind.


When Gong Ziliang recalled all the information regarding the Ancient Sword Control Technique, he realized the so-called Ancient Sword Control Technique was just as its name implied. It granted the ability to manipulate swords freely!

When he cultivated the Sword Control Technique to the large success stage, he could completely command hundreds of long swords at the same time. Moreover, it was as agile as using his fingers!

At that time, one person could even set up a sword formation on his own.

It could be said to be extremely impressive!