Jade Essence Pill, Leveling Up Three Levels!

[Ding! Congratulations on evolving your Green Fire Divine Husky into a Golden Fire Lion!]

Golden Fire Lion [Level: 0]

[Basic Speed: 300% of the Master's own movement speed. Every increase in level can increase the basic movement speed by 1%!]

Skill: King's Might (Active Skill. After activation, it will release the majesty of the Golden Fire Lion King. It can reduce the attributes of all the surrounding mounts by 30%!)

Skill: King's Insight (Active Skill, release a 100-meter golden domain after use! In the domain, movement speed will increase by 50% for 1 minute!)

"It has really evolved…"

Looking at the Golden Fire Lion in front of him, Gong Ziliang felt a little enlightened.

His Green Fire Divine Husky was gone just like that?

Just as Gong Ziliang was puzzled, the Golden Fire Lion in front of him suddenly roared and stretched out its tongue to lick him.

"Alright, alright! I understand! You're still my Little Heaven!"