May I Ask if There Are Immortals in This World?

"Sigh, may I ask if there are immortals in this world?"

After Gong Ziliang repeated this, he felt a sudden huge karma envelop him!

It was as if this sentence was a key. As long as he said it, he would be bound by this karma.


As if it sensed the change in Gong Ziliang, the white figure's footsteps that were walking forward suddenly stopped. It turned around and glanced at Gong Ziliang. "Interesting, interesting!"

Then, this figure continued to turn around and walk into the dense forest ahead.

"Sigh, may I ask if there are immortals in this world?"

He kept saying this nonstop.

"Who are you?" Looking at this person's back, Gong Ziliang asked.

However, when Gong Ziliang said this, this white figure had already disappeared into the dense forest.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the same time, the entire Spacetime Realm began to tremble continuously, as if it could disappear at any time!