Reunion of the Three Geniuses

"I hope Little Yan can last until we arrive…"

Gong Ziliang looked at the city not far ahead and could not help but say.

Sage King City was the main city set up by the Primordial Dynasty in the entire eastern territory.

Ever since the war of the Jianghe Kingdom, this place had naturally become the center battlefield of the entire Eastern Border. It could be said to be carrying out various huge battles every day!

However, the most intense part of these battles was the deep pit not far from the city gate of the Eastern Border!

There was a huge blood-red hungry wolf crazily devouring everything around it!

This hungry wolf's body had already grown to a height of 50 to 60 meters. Ordinary people were as weak as ants in front of it!

What was even more terrifying was that as this hungry wolf continuously devoured all the surrounding resources, its strength was also rapidly increasing. Almost every second, it was crazily improving!