Parkour in Heaven Capital


Then, with a clear sound, Gong Ziliang arrived in the Infinity Tower again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Then, the black stone from before appeared in front of Gong Ziliang again.

100,000 health points appeared in front of Gong Ziliang again.

"Let's see how you can hold on this time!"

Gong Ziliang looked at his Void Bracelet and chuckled. Then, he went up and punched the black stone.



As expected, this attack did not cause one damage like before. Instead, it directly became 200 drops of blood!

Moreover, the attack speed on the spatial bracelet also increased.

The speed at which Gong Ziliang threw a punch was as if he had punched twice. He immediately caused 400 damage to the rock!

"Let's see how you guard against this!"

Gong Ziliang looked at the black stone and began to attack quickly!


