Breaking Through to Level 70, Soul Beast Function Activated

If there were still places in the Primordial Dynasty that his Demon Cult did not dare to reach out to, the Heaven Capital was definitely one of them!

After all, that was the foundation of the entire Primordial Dynasty!

"No! If I don't deal with this kid, I feel that it will only cause endless trouble later!"

However, after Mo Yun thought for a moment, he still stood up and directly walked towards the door.

"Altar Master, with our current strength, we can't deal with this Gong Ziliang outside at all…"

When the subordinate at the side heard Mo Yun's words, he could not help but hurriedly say.

"Then we won't deal with him outside! Pass down my order! Now, the Demon Cult disciples are searching for this Gong Ziliang! Once we discover him, don't spread the news. It's best if we can lure him to Sin City…"

Mo Yun took a deep breath and looked at the group of Demon Cult disciples behind him.

"Altar Master, this plan is wonderful!"