Spiritual Sense Breakthrough, Shocking Everyone!


At the same time, Gong Ziliang in the inn absorbed all the surrounding endless spiritual sense power into his mind!

Immediately, the extremely huge spiritual sense seemed to have transformed into a fist that blasted towards Gong Ziliang's mind!


Then, a sound like shattering glass sounded in Gong Ziliang's mind.

In the next moment, Gong Ziliang felt that his spiritual sense had reached a brand new level!

"This is the second level of Spiritual Sense! The Howl Realm…"

Gong Ziliang opened his eyes and looked at the inn in front of him. Although he was still in this inn, his current perception had expanded to the entire Azure City!

More than ten meters away, the shock on the faces of Bing Xin and Mo Yue in the next room was…

The hair of the pedestrians 300 meters away was blown by the wind.

The sound of a thousand-meter wooden stick falling to the ground.