Bai Family's Patriarch, Defeated!

"You, you, you…"

At this moment, a thin figure fell from the endless yellow sand.

It was none other than Patriarch Bai!

At this moment, after the Bai Family's patriarch suffered Gong Ziliang's attack, although he was not dead, he could be said to be in a sorry state!

His robe was now tattered, and his face was covered in dust!

His terrifying aura was a little heavy at this moment, seeming to be because the attack just now was too intense, so he had not stabilized yet!

However, the Bai Family's patriarch looked at Gong Ziliang with endless shock!

"Junior, just you wait!"

Then, under everyone's shocked gazes, after the Bai Family's patriarch threw this sentence, he flew down.

Along the way, he did not even turn around!

"Ran away??"

Looking at the scene of the Bai Family's patriarch suddenly running down, everyone did not react for a moment.