Let's See How You Hide This Time

Accompanied by Gong Ziliang's light shout, the countless white sword lights floating behind him crazily gathered towards the Heavenly Dragon Blade in his hand!

It was only a moment.

The Heavenly Dragon Blade in Gong Ziliang's hand looked like a light blade, causing everyone to be extremely shocked!

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Gong Ziliang raised the Heavenly Dragon Blade in his hand high. After the last white sword light entered the blade, he slashed at the meteors in the sky!

Immediately, an extremely bright light erupted from the Heavenly Dragon Blade in Gong Ziliang's hand.

Countless sword qi transformed into a light that was thousands of kilometers long. With a terrifying aura that seemed to split the sky, it slashed towards the meteors in the sky!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Immediately, rumbling sounds continuously sounded from the sky.