Gong Ziliang, Why Are You So Silly?

No matter how troublesome Mo Shaoyun was, he definitely could not cause any trouble in his hands.

He was not in a hurry. He turned to look at Lin Anruo, his dark eyes revealing greed.

"Stupid bitch, it's your fortune to have caught my eye previously!"

"However, you don't know what's good for you. You went against that pretty boy surnamed Gong Ziliang and ended up like this. You really deserve it!"

"Now, tell me, if I give you another chance, will you choose me or that Gong Ziliang?"

Yin Zhiping played with a ball of demonic qi in his palm and asked calmly.

Lin Anruo bit her lower lip and looked coldly at Yin Zhiping, not intending to answer his question.

Seeing that Lin Anruo was still so unyielding at this point, Yin Zhiping's rationality, which had been affected by the demonic qi, was instantly blinded by anger and jealousy.

"Damn girl, I gave you face, but you don't want it!"