Divine Artifact Recovery Pill

Ping Xiu was a grand cultivator at the peak of the Spiritual Sea Realm.

Therefore, even if it was just a casual wave, the air under the Divine Striking Whip emitted a deafening sonic boom.

Even a Spiritual Sea Realm cultivator like Mo Aotian had to break a few bones to withstand this whip.

If it was the Tribulation Transcendence Realm, after being whipped, there was a high chance that he would not have a second breath.


In the next moment, with a bang, the person who flew out was actually Ping Xiu.


This was the first thought that appeared in Ping Xiu's mind after he was sent flying.

Then, without waiting for more information, his brain reacted.

The pain from all over his body drowned his rationality.


Taking a deep breath, he endured the pain and hurriedly covered his shattered internal organs with divine force to prevent further injuries.