The demonic general is furious!

At this moment, the demonic General's consciousness became extremely clear.

He thought that he had seen through Gong Ziliang's plan and quickly retreated while retracting the demonic light that was protecting his head, hiding it under his demonic body.

It would ensure that no matter where gongzi Liang's next attack landed, he would be able to defend or even counterattack at the first moment.

However ...

When he saw that Gong Ziliang's fist was still heading for his head ...

The demonic general was instantly stunned.

Wasn't this human trying to create a diversion?

'Why ...'

Suddenly, he saw gongzi Liang's calm expression.

His eyes revealed an extremely strong self-confidence!

In an instant, the demonic general came to a realization.

The reason why gongzi Liang had attacked his head was not what he had thought, but to create a diversion.

It was purely to see his head, which was his weakness.