Chapter 509 kill!

Gongzi Liang glanced at it and made a copy of the map with his mind.

Then, the law of force pushed the true red Dragon blade.

With a "PU" sound, the Scarlet sword easily pierced into the demon General's body.

The terrifying true dragon Fire was spat out and quickly burned away the demonic General's life force.

The demonic General's demonic body tensed up to the extreme, but under the suppression of the runes continuously condensed by the God-striking whip, he could not even let out a scream. He could only stare at Gong Ziliang with wide eyes.

In the beginning, the demonic General's eyes were filled with pleading.

After a while, he seemed to have realized that Gong Ziliang was not soft-hearted and had no intention of letting him go.

The demonic general tore off his disguise, and his demonic eyes flickered with a threatening light.

However, after seeing that gongzi Liang was not threatened, the demon general forced out a pleading expression.