Exchange for gongzi Liang

Afraid that ping Xiu would get to the bottom of it, Yin Kun quickly changed the topic back to Gong Ziliang, thinking that he had even given him a spirit mine.

"Good! I'll give you the spirit stones as a token of my appreciation for saving brother Wang. "

"But you cheated me of my spirit mine. How do you explain this?"


He had cheated Yi kun's identity and cheated him of a batch of spirit stones.

He even scammed a spirit mine?

Instantly, everyone in the hall, including the people of the Monet dynasty and ping Xiu and ping xinghun ...

The gazes that landed on Yin Kun were like they were looking at a fool.

How could Yi kun not know that once these words were said, his country guarding Duke's reputation would be destroyed.

However, the 90 million spirit stones were like meat buns to a dog. They would never return.

He could not afford to lose that large-scale spirit mine.