Chapter 70: Sword Nine and Shen Zhui (2nd Update)

A yellow light spread over Shen Zhui's body for a moment, and a cold shining battle blade emerged from his hand.

The moment the blade appeared, a string of yellow light also permeated the blade's surface.

The Slaying God Blade!

"Success!" Shen Zhui's heart pounded wildly, and his blood roiled.

At this moment, not only had he restored his cultivation to his original second rank of the Divine Passage Realm, but his soul, his dark gold bones, and spiritual power, etc... all had been restored to their peak states!

The power of the rules was repelled by the merit barrier!

"But the consumption is too high - ten thousand Good Deeds per second. My five hundred thousand Good Deeds could only last for fifty seconds."

"Try canceling the merit barrier." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

Murmuring his cancellation, Good Deeds froze at four hundred and eighty thousand, but at this moment...