The End Of The Rescue Mission

The rain still did not let up in Shibuya.

Yui was accompanied to the train station by two of Ryuuji's henchmen.

"Uhm, don't you two have an umbrella?" Yui asked annoyed.

"Huh? No, why should we?" one of them answered also with an annoyed tone.

"Why?! Because we're already soaked from the rain and we haven't even arrived half of the way to the station!" she yelled at them.

The train station was still a long walk away and in contrast to the two guys, who wore coats, Yui only wore her school uniform which was currently soaked. For her, it was a huge problem. First of all, she did not want to catch a cold and secondly, she wore a wet white shirt which was overall problematic for many girls and women.

The only positive aspect about the rain was that it washed the dirt and the small blood trails on her slightly away.

"Just bear with it." the other guy said plainly.

"Bear with it? Is that a way to treat a young maiden? Now get an umbrella or else I won't move!" she wore a scary and threatening expression on her face while she crossed her arms to prevent them from seeing through her shirt.

"A-alright. Wait here with him!" one of the two stormed to a store to buy an umbrella.

"Fine. Now move your ass!" Yui was extremely annoyed.

Now, Yui stood in the rain with the other person.

"F-finally we're alone... Uhm, I always wanted to talk with you alone. It's a bit embarrassing here so could we go there?" Yui switched her expression to a purer one as she patted his shoulder and pointed at an alley.

"I-is that so? Sure!" he was flattered as he scratched his head.

Then, Yui led him deep into the alley.

"So what did you wa-"


As she turned around to him, she used the rotation to kick him with all her might into the greatest weakness of all male beings.



As a result, the guy fell on his knees and cried silently in agony.

Using this chance, Yui ran away.

"Too easy!" she grinned.

It went all according to her plan to escape from the two. She used the fact that they had no umbrella to make one of them buy one. After that, she lurked the remaining one into the alley to destroy his manhood.

With both of them unable to monitor her actions, she was finally able to escape.

While she was running, she searched for her phone.

"What?! Battery's dead?!"

"Tch. What now?" she did not stop to run as she thought about a solution.

She ran and ran without an idea what to do.


Suddenly, someone grabbed her arm.


While Yui had an encounter with Emma, an interrogation began in the old factory.

Still crouching down and grabbing him by the collar, Kazuma sought for information from Ryuuji.

"First question. Who came up with the plan to kidnap Yui?"

"I-I don't know... Kanzaki-san only told us to look after a girl in our headquarters while he's away. And when we arrived, she was already in this state..."

"Where is he now?"

"Sorry, I don't know..."

"When will he return?"

"I don't know." Ryuuji was sweating even more and more.

"Do you even know anything?" Kazuma began to lose his patience as his grip tightened and his eyes became grimmer.

"I-I-I'm sorry! I'm not a part of the main force so I know hardly anything about him..."

"Main force?" Kazuma tilted his head.

"Y-yes! They're the true members of 'The Owls of Tokyo'! They mainly consist of the founders of the gang." Ryuuji explained.

"And what are you?"

"We're just striving to get accepted by them. Kanzaki-san said that he would accept all of us if we manage to look after that girl for one night."

"I see..."

Kazuma finally released Ryuuji and stood up.

After a heavy sigh, his expression also turned back to a more relaxed one.

He realized that questioning him further would be pointless due to Ryuuji not even being a real member of the gang.


"Boss ya alright?!"

"Check if the others are fine!"

After seeing that Kazuma was finished, the other group members quickly checked on their leader and the members who were still laying on the ground.

Kazuma only stood there and put his fingers on his chin gesturing that he was in deep thoughts.

"Main force, huh? Time sure have changed..." he murmured.

Despite the value of the information being not what he expected, Kazuma was still satisfied. He thought that it was still better than nothing at all.

He smiled slightly.


However, that smile vanished quickly as he was shocked when he heard multiple sirens.

"It's the police! Get out of here!" Kazuma warned the others.

Kazuma bore no ill will against them anymore. He believed the words of Ryuuji and therefore saw no reason to be hostile anymore. After all, it was Kanzaki Shinya who pulled the strings this time.

"Damn it, they're already here! Leave those who are still unconscious here and run!" Kazuma ordered as he heard many car doors being opened.

Everyone ran as fast as they could. Kazuma, who also tried to run away slowed down after he heard a familiar voice.

"...zuma! Kazuma!" a voice which was far away called his name.

"Could it be..."

Then, many police officers stormed the factory.

Kazuma raised his arms up and turned around to face them.

"Get him!" a police officer ordered.

Receiving the signal, multiple police officers carefully approached Kazuma. Some of them were sweating from nervousness because of the scene they saw at first after arriving: A student covered in blood and injuries who was still standing whereas 11 other people were laying unconsciously on the ground.

Suddenly two girls appeared in Kazuma's field of vision. His jaw dropped seeing those two.

"Emma? And Yui?!" he said baffled.

Emma tapped the police officer, who gave the order, on the shoulder. Yui, however, sprinted to Kazuma.

"Officer, he was the one I talked about. He came to save that girl." Emma explained briefly.

"O-oh, I see... I'm sorry." the police officer apologized.

"Don't touch the boy!" he turned to his colleagues and withdrew his previous order.

At his words, they stopped in their tracks.


Yui jumped at Kazuma and hugged him as tears flowed from her eyes.



Losing the balance, Kazuma fell to the ground with Yui who was still hugging him.

"Kazuma! Kazuma!"

Yui did not stop calling his name nor did she stop to cry.

In response, Kazuma also hugged her and patted her head to comfort her.

"It's fine, Yui. I'm still alive and kicking!" he tried to cheer her up.

But she did not pay attention to his words and continued to cry and hugged him even stronger.

"Ouch! Lessen your grip! Lessen your grip! I will seriously die!" he tried to get her arms of him but it was futile.

The police only stood there and witnessed the situation in front of them in confusion and relief.

After a while, Yui finally calmed down a little and let go of Kazuma giving him the chance to stand up.

"Sniff, sniff... Kazuma..." she had still watery eyes and a runny nose.

"Yes, it's alright. I'm here. Now let's go home, shall we?" he still comforted her by patting her head.

She nodded her head.

"Hey, do you need an ambulance?" a police officer approached them.

Kazuma looked to Emma, who was conversing with the police. He had many questions for her but they could wait for another time.

Then, Kazuma looked at his own body and at Yui, whose injuries were minimal.

"I guess we will visit the hospital but could you drive her home first? We should let her parents know." Kazuma asked as he pointed at Yui.

"Sure. Come with me."

The police officer took them in his car. And after some time passed, they arrived in front of Yui's house.

"Can I talk to her for a moment?" Kazuma asked the officer.

He nodded.


Then, Kazuma and Yui stepped out of the car. They stood side by side in front of Yui's front door.

Since they were in the car, they did not spoke a word to each other. It was just silent.

Yui took her key out and reached for the door to unlock it, however, in that instant her keys dropped as Kazuma unexpectedly hugged her tightly.

"I'm so glad... really..."

Tears started to fall from his eyes. He could not suppress his feelings anymore. All the painful feelings he had to endure before seeing her face were finally expressed in form of tears. His worries were gone and he could only feel relieved having her in his arms.

Yui, who finally calmed down after crying for so long, could not hold back any longer and cried again as she hugged him back.