Taming The Fiance

"Do you want to go see the fireworks together?"

"Fireworks? You mean next week, right? Sure, why not?"

"That's a lovely idea!"

Bathing in the sunlight, the trio consisting of Emma, Kazuma and Yui was currently enjoying their break together on the roof.

"Great! This will be fun!" Yui claimed in high spirits.

"Heh, you're just like a child." Kazuma snickered.

"Who are you calling a child?!"

"Who else but you, idiot?"

"Hehehe!" Emma giggled while Yui and Kazuma were butting heads with each other.

"You know what? I'll accept your insult. After all, I'm in a good mood today."

"Good mood? What happened today?" Kazuma asked curiously.

"Is it because of the exam results?" Emma commented.

"That's right! This time, I took the 17th place overall!" Yui said triumphantly as she puffed her chest and placed her hands on her hips.

"Congratulations! That's wonderful!" Emma applauded her.

"Geez, that's it?" Kazuma sighed.

"Tch. How did you manage with the time you had?"

"Third place." he replied casually.

"..." Yui did not know how to counter that.

"By the way, are you happy with your results, Emma?" Yui asked to escape her embarrassment.

"Me? I am ranked first." Emma answered.

"I feel like an idiot, sitting next to you two..." Yui looked down depressed.

Whereas Emma tried to cheer Yui up, Kazuma mocked her further.

"It sure was surprising that you didn't take first place again, Kazuma-san." Emma mentioned while she was still pampering Yui like a caring mother.

"Ehm, you know, there were certain circumstances..." he scratched his cheeks.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I forgot!" Emma apologized immediately.

"No need to be sorry. But, well, it was more surprising to see who had taken the second place." Kazuma's face turned serious.

"Kirisaki-san, right?" Yui jumped into the conversation after calming down.

"Ken-kun is actually a smart student, however, the only thing that drags him down is his attendance record..." Emma explained with an awkward smile.

"Seems like a 2-0 for him, hehe." Yui whispered in Kazuma's ear.

A bulging vein was visible on Kazuma's forehead.

"You little..." Kazuma stood up with a clenched fist.

"You trying to pick a fight with me?" Yui provoked him further.

"Please calm down, both of you..." Emma tried to stop the two.

Suddenly, the bell rang.

"Consider yourself lucky!" Yui mocked Kazuma one last time before she walked to the exit of the roof.


"W-well, shall we go, too?" Emma tried to soothe his anger.


Thus, the two of them also exited the roof while Yui waited for them to catch up to her.



"Could you send me Kirisaki's number?"

"W-what?" Emma gasped for air in surprise.

"I know this is surprising. But I need it to close that case..." Kazuma stated as his eyes turned more sharply and grimmer.

"Alright, I understand."

Emma took her phone out and sent him the number.


"Hey, what are you two doing! We're going to be late!" Yui yelled from a distance.

Thus, the three returned quickly to their classes.

While the lessons went on, Kazuma was sending a message.

"And done..." he murmured.

A grin formed on his face. Today would be the day where Kazuma would get the final and most important clue to execute his true revenge.

Not being able to wait any longer, he unconsciously tapped his foot and drummed with his finger on his desk.

After a while, the bell rang again, indicating the end of school for today and the beginning of club activities.

Kazuma stood up and immediately went over to Yui's seat.

"You have to walk home without me for today, Yui. I have to do something." he said and walked away instantly.

"Eh?" Yui, who had no chance to say anything, could only look baffled at his back as he vanished from the room.

With a fast pace, Kazuma closed the distance to the rooftop as he hustled through the crowd of students in the hallways.

He opened the door.

"Seems like I'm the first to arrive." he said to himself.

Seeing that no one was on the roof, he sat on a nearby bench and waited.

Even after five minutes passed, nobody entered the roof.

"Where's that bastard?!" he was annoyed.

Then, the door was opened.

"Finally." Kazuma stood up and approached the person.

"What took you so long, Kirisaki?"

It was a long time since Kazuma and Ken confronted each other.

"Flirted with some babes on the way." Ken answered provocative.

Kazuma stayed calm. He knew that getting enraged now would be unproductive.

"Let's cut the idle chitchat. I'll go straight to the point. Are you still affiliated with Kanzaki Shinya?"

In that instant, Ken's eyes widened.

"What if I say yes?" he provoked Kazuma.

An agitated grin formed on Kazuma's face.

"Then, I can also assume that you paid them to get rid of me, right?"

"Just do so. But don't think that everything is over! Next time the main squad will come for you!" he led his thump horizontally across his neck to stress his statement.


Kazuma punched Ken's cheek.


Ken fell on the ground.

"Aahrrg! What a-"


A kick was launched and hit his face.




Kazuma pressed his knee against Ken's chest, making it harder for him to breath properly.

"G-get off me!"

Pow. Pow. Pow.

One punch after another connected. Kazuma could not hold back any longer. Ken was the reason for Yui's suffering and anxiety. He felt nothing but hatred and anger towards Ken as he continued to punch his defenseless face. In spite of his rage, his agitated grin did not vanish.

Then, after Ken coughed blood, Kazuma stopped his barrage of attacks.

"... haaaa... haaaa.... do you really think that you'll get away with this?!" Ken threatened him as he grasped for air.

"Of course I will."

Kazuma took his phone out and held it near Ken's face.

"... w-what is this?"

Ken was confused and shocked after he heard the recording.

"Don't you recognize their voices anymore? They are the girls who were paid money to lure Yui into the factory."

Kazuma let him hear the recording he took when the girls confessed their actions to Yui.

"S-so what?" he asked irritated.

"I can use this to blackmail them. They'll do everything I want. Even telling me the names of those who were behind this all." Kazuma stated with a grin that widened more and more.

"D-don't tell me that..." Ken stuttered as his face showed his utter defeat.

"Seems like you're bright enough to get my point."

"You'll work for me unless you want those girls to confess everything to the police, including your involvement." Kazuma elaborated while he stared at Ken with a threatening gaze.

Ken was speechless. He lost. A comeback was impossible.

He had everything. Power, wealth, fame and much more. And yet, he was helpless in his current situation. Kazuma had him on a leash like a dog.

Fighting back would only be futile. He knew how strong Kazuma was since the day they first fought each other. The fact that Kazuma beat 11 people alone, added to Ken's fear of fighting him.

He gulped down his saliva which was now mixed with blood.

"W-what do you want me to do?" Ken accepted his fate.

Kazuma finally let go of Ken and stood up.

"First, tell me everything about your deal with them." Kazuma ordered him.

Ken, who still sat on the ground, began to tell everything. He also told him that he would meet Shinya this Sunday to take his money back due to the deal being broken off.

"I see... hehe." Kazuma let out a small giggle after he heard everything.

Then, Kazuma held his hand out to Ken.


"How long are you planning to sit there?"

Ken was baffled. He did not expect how friendly Kazuma looked at the moment in comparison to a few minutes ago.

He hesitatingly took his hand.

Kazuma helped him get up.

"What's wrong?" Kazuma asked Ken, who looked at him as if he saw a ghost.

"I-I could ask you the same... Why are you looking so happy?"

"I'm just in a good mood. That's all." Kazuma replied with a smirk.

"I see..."

Kazuma held his phone up in a way so that he would be able to take a photo or video.


"Now to the second order. Confess all your actions. I will film you." Kazuma said without a change in his facial expression.


"It's just a countermeasure. What if you'll bribe the girls so that they won't betray you?"

"Tch. Fine..."

"Good. Now start." Kazuma signaled the start of the recording.

After a few minutes passed, Kazuma stopped the recording.

"With that done, I'll give you the last order for today."

Kazuma slowly approached the exit of the roof. He still wore a friendly smile on his face, however, his eyes were everything but friendly. Those eyes were the epitome of pugnacity.

"Tell Shinya this when you meet him Sunday: Ichinose has started his own gang and declared war on 'The Owls of Tokyo'."