Melancholic Reunion/Spiteful Reunion

"I see. So you live in Adachi alone now."

She nodded her head. Her eyes were still red and swollen after crying.

At the moment, Shiho and Kazuma were sitting on a bench at the playground.

It took Shiho some time before she finally calmed down after she apologized to him in tears.

"But why are you here?"

"Shinya told me to come... He wanted to talk about you..." with sharp eyes, she looked downwards.

"I hoped that he started to repent his actions but I was wrong... In the end, he announced to crush you."

"I still can't comprehend him! What has driven him to do all this?!"

While Shiho raised her voice the more she talked about her brother, Kazuma only listened to her ranting.

"Don't concern yourself with him. The more you try to understand something that doesn't act rational at all, the more confused you get." Kazuma said.

Shiho looked up with a surprised expression. But shortly after that, she began to chuckle.

"Heh, that's rich, coming from you." she commented with a faint smirk.

"Well, I reached a point where I can't get more confused." he joked.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I'm now at a point where my mind becomes blank if I think about him. I only feel the urge to kill him. That's all." he said casually with a smile.


"Oh, sorry. You're still his sister..."

"Don't apologize. I've already cut ties with him since the accident. I can't consider him my brother anymore..." she had a sad smile on her face.

Without saying a word, Kazuma stood up.

"So I can assume that you won't participate tomorrow?"


She clenched her fists as she came to a decision.

"N-no. I will be there tomorrow."

Like Kazuma, she also got up to face him.

"Let me fight by your side!" she stated with eyes full of determination.

"No." Kazuma replied instantly.

"W-why? I'm sure that Shinya laid thousands of traps for you!" despite being taken aback by his earlier response, Shiho tried her luck again.

"I know but I don't care. This is something I have to do alone."

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Her desperation was written all over her face while she shook his shoulders.



She rubbed her forehead after Kazuma flicked his finger at her forehead.

"Back in the days and even now I never lost. You of all people should know it the best, idiot."



"Ouch! Why again?!"

And again, he flicked his finger at her forehead.

"Geez, stop with your nagging. I suppose you don't know but I'm also prepared." he said with a relaxed attitude.


Shiho still could not stop worrying about him but she had to accept that she could not change his mind.

"It's late already. You should go home."

Kazuma turned his back on her and was about to head home, however, Shiho pulled softly on his shirt.

"Is something?"

Shiho's lips were trembling and she was again on the verge of crying.

After all these years, she could finally see Kazuma again. She had so many things to say and so many things she wanted to show him but the current circumstances would not allow it.

Kazuma did not know it yet but Shiho was also emotionally deeply scarred by the betrayal of her brother.

Since then, she developed trust issues and therefore was unable to make many friends in her new environment. There was no one she could open up to. Shiho only wanted to see Kazuma, whom she held very dear. However, she was scared to see him because she felt guilty for not being able to stop her brother back then.

"Nothing..." she said with a faint voice as she let go.


Kazuma turned his face to her.

"Let's do something again after everything is over." he said.

Open-mouthed and with her watery eyes sparkling, she looked up.

Before she could say anything, Kazuma was already walking back to his house.

"What a surprise." Kazuma muttered.

After he arrived at his own house, he went to bed. Not being able to sleep, Kazuma reminisced about his reunion with Shiho.

Despite being doubtful at the beginning, he was happy in the end. He was happy that Shiho was still the same kind girl just like back then.

A sense of relief also filled his heart. Kazuma was glad that he had not to confront her tomorrow as an enemy.

With those thoughts, he flashed unconsciously a slight smirk as he fell asleep.

The next day.

Ring. Ring.

Hearing his alarm clock, Kazuma woke up.

After he left his bed, he stretched his body.

In spite of sleeping only a few hours, he was brimming with energy.

Kazuma spent his morning normally. He ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, changed his clothes and watched TV a little bit before he went to the entrance.

As he put on his shoes, Kazuma checked his phone one last time.

"A message from Yui?"

He checked the message.

It was a photo of her at the beach. Her family was in the background and the sun was shining intensely.

A sincere smile formed on his face.

He had nothing to worry about anymore. Yui was currently away with her family for two weeks. It was the perfect time to put an end to all of this.

"Let's go." he said determined as he opened the door.

In contrast to the place, where Yui was currently, it was rather cloudy and gray at Kazuma's location.

"It's pretty chilly today." he commented.

But Kazuma did not care how the weather was today.

He made his way to the promised place.


After he walked already for a while, he noticed that the closer he was to the place, the more crowded it became. But it was not a normal crowd. It was a crowd only consisting of delinquents.

"Is he the one?"

"No way."

"He seems pretty normal."

"Wanna test his strength?"

"Don't! Kanzaki-san will kill us!"

It was impossible for Kazuma to not hear the whispers about him.

He tried to ignore them and remained calm while headed to the place.

The number of people got even bigger and bigger.

Kazuma got nervous but he knew that he must not let it show on his face.

"Oh, he arrived!"

"Let's bet how long he'll last!"

"Oh, yeah! I bet three seconds!"

The people mocked him after he arrived.

It was the playground where he also met Shiho last night. It was the place where 'The Owls' fought other gangs in the past. It was the place where everything began and where everything will end.

"Yo, Kazuma! Long no time no see!"

Shinya was the first one to greet him. He wore an arrogant and provocative grin on his face.

On his side were the other members of the main squad.

On his left were Daisuke and his cousin Ryota whose face was covered in bandage due to yesterday. While Daisuke had a fierce and stern look, Ryota was not able to hide his hostility and annoyance towards Kazuma.

On Shinya's right side were Kyouko and Hirata. Kyouko was yawning, showing that she had no interest in this matter, whereas Hirata harbored the same feelings as Shinya and therefore gazed at Kazuma exactly like Shinya.

"Yeah... It's been too long." Kazuma replied.

He looked at Shinya with sharp and yet hollow eyes.

Then, Shinya stepped forward.

"And? Where's your new gang?" he asked.

"They ditched me like you did." Kazuma joked while he also stepped forward.

"Is that so?"

Kazuma smirked while Shinya's previous grin faded at Kazuma's remark.

"I must admit, it's truly nostalgic being here with you. I never had the chance to talk to you since then. You know, I searched everywhere for you but there were no traces of you and the others." Kazuma shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, we didn't want you to betray us again by ratting us out to the police."

"Again? That's funny. Weren't you the one who backstabbed me? After all, you're responsible for killing my parents."

"Backstabbing you? Nah, the fact that you left us for your parents was a betrayal. Their death was just the according punishment."

Now, even Kazuma's smirk vanished.

"I see. Well, that's everything I need to hear. Let's cut the crap and start. I'll make sure to make you suffer." Kazuma declared as he cracked his knuckles.

Shinya could only grin agitated, looking at Kazuma's menacing expression.

"Alright. Guys, let's kill him!" Shinya yelled with excitement.

"Wait. Let me go first! I want to pay him back for yesterday."

Before the others could make a move, Ryota stepped forward.


Shinya looked at him with a shallow gaze.

"Fine." he answered half-heartedly.

Shinya gave him the green light.


Thus, Ryota began to walk to Kazuma until they were close enough to feel each others' breaths.

"Be prepared, you bastard! I wasn't even serious yesterday!" he stated confidently.


With no hesitation, Ryota was about to punch Kazuma with all his force.

"It's time for reve-"



Before Ryota's punch could connect, Kazuma hit him in the chin from the sides, causing a cracking sound. As a result, he fell immediately on the ground, losing his consciousness.

Shaking off his right hand, Kazuma looked at the others, who were surprised by the scene.

"Next one." Kazuma ordered provocatively.