Conclusion To His Revenge

"W-what do you intend to do?" Shiho asked nervously.

"Beating him up." Yousuke replied as he stretched his arms.

"H-huh?!" she was perplexed.

"What? Of course I have to. Did you take a good look at him? There's no other way to stop him."


Yousuke heaved a sigh after he saw the glum expression on Shiho's face.

"I'll hold back. I promise." he said.


Sneakily, Kazuma tried to run back to Shinya, bypassing Yousuke.

"Not so fast!"


Yousuke pulled on Kazuma's shirt from behind and shoved him to the ground.

"Don't stop me!" Kazuma said fiercely.

"Sorry but it's my job to stop you."

"You leave me no other choice, Ikari-san."

Despite being already exhausted, Kazuma took up his fighting stance while holding the knife in his left hand.

"Are you sure? I'm a police officer."


"No response, huh?"

Suddenly, Kazuma leaped off and formed a fist with his right hand.


Not moving an inch from his spot, Yousuke caught the fist with one hand.

"First of all, drop the weapon."

Kazuma tried to retract his arm but Yousuke's grip on his fist was too much for him to handle.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Ichinose."

"Nnggh!" Kazuma groaned as he still tried to free himself from his grasp.

"I see."


Clatter. Thud.


Yousuke dealt a heavy punch into Kazuma's abdomen, causing him to fall on his knees and to let go of the knife.

"It's over already, Ichinose. Just relax for now."

Seeing that Kazuma finally let go of the knife, Yousuke crouched down to collect it.



However, before he could pick it up, Kazuma swung his right arm at him.

Yousuke barely dodged it by jumping back.

"That brat..."

Like a zombie, Kazuma slowly got up.

"I suppose I have to render you unconscious to make you stop."

The two took up their fighting stances.

Kazuma ignored the knife, which was lying on the soil for the time being and focused on his new opponent.

Again, Kazuma leaped off and began his attacks. Like a wild animal, he punched and kicked aimlessly in hope to land a hit on Yousuke.

Woosh. Woosh.

But he only hit the air. It was as if Yousuke was able to read every single one of Kazuma's moves. Hence, he dodged them all effortlessly.

"Hey, Ichinose. Why are you still continuing? The boy over there is already knocked out, right?"


No answer.


For the second time, Yousuke was on the offensive and landed a punch on Kazuma's cheek. As a result from the hit, Kazuma staggered backwards.

"Could it be that you feel empty? Or dissatisfied?"


Kazuma finally reacted.

"Seems like I guessed right."

"You feel dissatisfied because you were craving for more. You wanted to beat him up more. You wanted to vent out your pent up anger more on him. However, he lost consciousness far too soon and beating his immobile body wouldn't sit well with you, am I right?" he elaborated.




Not wanting to hear more, Kazuma continued with his attacks vigorously. But Yousuke avoided like always and followed up with a counterattack.

"And then you tried to accept that your revenge had to come to an end but it made you feel empty because it's your revenge that kept you going for the last years."

"Shut up!" Kazuma raised his voice.

Woosh. Woosh.

Pow. Pow.


The number of attacks increased just like the number of dodged attacks and counters.

Kazuma got even more enraged and desperate as he heard more of Yousuke's talk.

"I... I..." Kazuma muttered something as he approached Yousuke slowly and out of breath.

Realizing that he posed no threat to him anymore, Yousuke let his guard down.


Kazuma hit Yousuke's chest softly.

"I'm not finished with him yet... He took the lives of my parents... So why am I not allowed to kill him?" Kazuma said while he looked down.

"Since back then, I only thought about killing him! I spent so much time to get information about him! And I finally found him today! There's no way in hell that I won't use this chance to kill him! No one will stop me! Not even you!" he said while his voice gradually got louder.

When Kazuma finally looked up, tears began to flow out of his eyes.

"This revenge is the only purpose in my life!"

Yousuke just gazed sternly at him.

"So please... Please don't stop me!"

Kazuma retracted his arm and prepared another punch.

It was impossible for Yousuke react quickly enough to dodge or fend off his attack.


This time, the punch connected.

But he still stood firm even though he received a hit in his face.

"Your only purpose in life? Cut the crap, you brat."

"Do you really think that your parents would be happy to hear that? And not just your parents. There are still other people around you who would feel the same!"

In that moment, his eyes widened a little. Kazuma recalled the memories he shared with certain people.

"Spare me your optimism!" Kazuma yelled while he clenched his fists again.

He rushed to him again. But this time, Kazuma intended to give his punch everything he had. He prepared to finish this fight.

Then, a sigh was heard.



With a great amount of strength, Yousuke dealt the finishing blow.

The punch, which Kazuma received in his abdomen again, caused him to fall to the ground. One soft punch was enough to make him lose consciousness.

"Deep down in your heart, you know that I'm right." Yousuke stated.


Seeing that Kazuma had no strength anymore, Yousuke turned around.

"I'm done with him." he said with his usual relaxed demeanor to the two girls.

Kyouko and Shiho could only act as bystanders during the one-sided fight.


Shiho rushed worriedly to Kazuma's side and tried to help him get up.

"See? I was right." Yousuke remarked as his mouth formed a smirk.

"Shut up..." Kazuma said weakly.

Then, his eyes closed and his body stopped moving. He lost consciousness.



Someone ran past Youske.


It was Shinya. He regained his consciousness again and despite being also exhausted, he was brimming with energy for this moment.

"Shinya, stop!"

Shiho stood up and got between the unconscious Kazuma and Shinya who was fiddling with one hand in his pocket.

"Damn it!" Yousuke was caught by surprise and tried to stop Shinya.

"Out of my way, Shiho!" Shinya shouted.

Shinya finally found the object he searched for in his pocket.

It was also a silver shining sharp object. Another knife.


Shiho flinched when she saw the knife in her brother's hand.

"Dodge it!" Yousuke yelled in panic.

But Shiho did not react. As much as she wanted to dodge, her body did not listen to her. The fear overwhelmed her completely.

Deep down, she thought that Shinya would only try to intimidate her with the knife. After all, these two were siblings even though she did not want to admit it.

However, after looking at his eyes, which were filled with insanity, she was not sure anymore.

Was she about to get stabbed by her own brother?

Her body could not stop shivering and she felt her knees becoming weaker.

"Kazumaaa!" Shinya cried.

He was devoured entirely by madness. He would not listen to reason. Nothing could stop him.

The grip on the knife tightened and he was about to thrust it into her belly.


Kyouko appeared from behind and tried to pull him back from Shiho.

"Kazumaaa!" Shinya still shouted Kazuma's name as he tried to push forward.

"No! Just stop already! We've lost!" Kyouko tried to bring him back to his senses desperately.


Yousuke finally arrived.

Without wasting time, he pulled him back with Kyouko.

Overwhelmed by the power, Shinya flew backwards, letting go of the knife.

Thud. Clatter.


Kyouko looked at the knife as if it was a ghost.

"Hey, you! Are you alright?!" Yousuke asked Shiho who had trouble standing.

Drip. Drip.

Fluids dropped on the soil below Shiho.

"We need an ambulance!" he notified some of his colleagues who also arrived at the scene.

Kyouko's mind could not keep up anymore.


Then, Shinya slowly got up.

"S-Shin-chan... What have you done?" she asked with a pale face as she pointed at Shiho.

Shiho was currently holding her stomach while she bend her upper body slightly to the front. Her white shirt reddened in the area which she held with her hands. But it was not enough to stop the red fluid to drop on the ground.

"So she's still standing..." Shinya muttered indifferently.

"H-huh?!" Kyouko thought that she misheard him.

"A-are you crazy?! You stabbed your own sister!" she yelled at him while she grabbed him by the collar.

"She was in the way." he replied plainly.


"Stop it, you two!" a voice behind her ordered.

When she turned around, she saw a horde of police officers surrounding them.

Following them, more and more police officers barged into the scene until the ambulance finally arrived.

Thus, the decisive brawl between Kazuma and 'The Owls' met a horrendous ending.