
It was a sunny yet chilly April's day, when the cries of pain were heard in a dark and hidden alley somewhere in Shibuya.

"P-please, let us go...we have learned our lesson..."

Beside the already unconscious delinquent his heavily beaten up friend groveled on the ground asking for mercy. But the person in question was just looking indifferent at him. The black-haired teenager began to walk slowly in his direction.

He heaved a sigh.

"Didn't you say the exact line the last time we met?"


The delinquent averted his gaze abashedly.

"Can't respond, can you? Whatever, I guess."

Hope filled the delinquent's teary eyes for a second.

"Just kidding."


"I just wanted to say my line from last time, too." the black-haired teenager stated with a carefree posture.

"But anyways, the next time I see you two with the same attitude, then I won't let you off the hook that easily like today. Understood?" he elaborated as he looked down on them threateningly.

The delinquent nodded his head desperately multiple times.

Satisfied, the boy proceeded to walk away.

Untroubled by this encounter, he finally exited the dark alley and was immediately confronted with the bright sun and the vivid streets of Shibuya.

"Done now, Ichinose?" someone with a coarse male voice asked.

To the boy's right side was another teenager his age with the same school uniform who leaned against the wall. He had black slicked back hair and golden earrings matching his eye color.

"Why are you still here, Kirisaki?"

Kazuma's hazelnut brown eyes turned from having a carefree expression to a more tired look.

"Well, ehm..."

Ken got fidgety as he turned his slightly reddened face away from Kazuma.

Another sigh was heaved.

"No need to thank me."

Then, Kazuma walked ahead.

"Well, since you're here, let's go together." he suggested while scratching his cheek awkwardly.

"Y-yeah." Ken replied surprised.

The two walked with a slight distance to each other.

"I must say, it was pretty amusing seeing you almost pissing your pants when the two guys were about to beat you up for colliding into them." Kazuma mocked him.

"S-shut up! Well, sorry for not being a monster like you who could easily wipe the floor with them!"

"Heh." Kazuma snickered triumphantly.

Fuming internally, Ken clenched his fists.



Both of them checked their phones after they vibrated simultaneously.

[Sorry, guys but I forgot that I have to go to my part-time job today! Have fun without me!]

"How typical of her." Ken made fun of her.

"Geez, Shiho truly is an airhead sometimes..." Kazuma remarked with a disappointed expression.

"Ah, concerning Kanzaki, I heard that she confessed to you today again, right?" he said playfully as he nudged Kazuma with his elbow.

"Yeah... Today marked the 42nd rejection, I suppose..." Kazuma answered in an exhausted tone.

"Hahaha!" Ken broke into an uncontrollable laughter.

"She really is the next 'Master Of Rejections'!" he added while he wiped away his tears.


"However, she has guts, that's for sure! I mean, many would feel dejected after each rejection no matter how many times they experienced it but she managed it creepily well." Ken said after calming down.

"Yeah..." Kazuma agreed dejected.

"It's even more terrifying that her resolve is still unwavering despite the fact that you're alrea-"

"Ah, there you're! What took you so long!"

Ken was cut off in the middle of his sentence by the shouting of another person.

As they heard the angry and annoyed sounding voice, the boys turned around to see who it was. Facing them was a gorgeous young girl approximately their age. She had ocean blue eyes and silky and smooth blonde hair reaching to her waist.

Right beside her was another beautiful girl who was also their age. She had shoulder-length black hair and crimson red eyes.

The two girls wore the same school uniform.

"C-calm down, Yui." Kazuma tried to ease her anger nervously.

"He's right! We're only three minutes late!" Ken chimed in.

"I-it's fine now, isn't it, Yui-san?" even Emma tried to calm her down.

"Fine, whatever..." Yui sighed.

Kazuma and Ken also had to sigh. A sigh of relief.

"Let's grab something to eat now!" Yui said.

Thus, the group entered the diner near them.

The four proceeded to eat and relax there as they engaged into their casual chitchat like always.

Since the end of the summer break last year, the group of Kazuma, Yui and Emma grew bigger. Shiho was the first one to join them when she transferred school. Then, even Ken slowly began to adapt to the group.

Eventually, after a few months, the group of five hang out together during and after school despite Kazuma and Ken being frenemies.

"How about we go watch a movie tomorrow? Shiho-san should be also free then." Emma suggested.

"A movie? Sure, why not?" Ken replied casually.


"Sorry, I can't." Kazuma answered as he interrupted Yui.

"Oh, yeah, tomorrow is that day, right?" Yui commented.

"Hm? What's tomorrow?" Emma raised her eyebrows.

"I'll visit Shinya with Shiho."

"So it's finally time, huh?" Ken's eyes sharpened.

"Yeah. It'll be my first time visiting him. That's why Shiho will go with me."

"Should I g-"


Before she could finish her question, Yui's phone rang.

"Mom? Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry! I'll do it now! Bye!" as the call went on, Yui got more panicked.


She ended the call.

"Sorry guys but I forgot that I had to buy ingredients for my mom!"

"Oh, let me come with you." Kazuma suggested.

The two of them stood up and prepared to leave whereas Ken and Emma only watched them with open mouths.

"See you tomorrow!"


Kazuma and Yui waved their hands to them as they went to pay for the food.

The other two responded with the same hand gestures until Kazuma and Yui exited the diner.

"Heh, even though they're still not officially dating, they sure behave like a couple." Ken commented with a snicker.

"Hehe, you're right." Emma also giggled.

"Geez, why doesn't he have the balls to confess to her?"

"Well, it's because they always get interrupted. Especially by Shiho-san..." Emma explained with a wry smile.

"What a coincidence..."

Then, it turned silent between them.

"S-seems like today's meeting turned into a date, huh?" Ken stated as he turned his flushed face from her.

In that moment, Emma's face also reddened while she rubbed her hands between her legs.

"Y-yes..." she responded sheepishly.

And thus, those four high school students spent their afternoon normally like any other person in their age. They were enjoying their youth in ignorant bliss.

After a few hours, it turned dark.

It was around that time when a girl in Adachi entered a dark alley.

The girl wore her uniform loose, revealing her tanned skin and cleavage. She had dyed blonde wavy shoulder-length hair and brown eyes. Especially, her colorful fingernails and multiple accessories made her stand out.

"You're late, Yame." a guy with a shaved head, golden eyes and a tattooed left arm stated.

"Sorry, Daisuke!" she apologized half-heartedly.

"The others are already waiting. Come with me." he said.

She nodded her head.

"Geez..." Kyouko sighed after they walked for a few minutes.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Well, I still can't believe that everything went according to her plan."

"She's incredible, right?" Daisuke commented excited.

"Yeah, that Ichinose guy and Shinya were basically dancing on her palm."

"Haha, yes! I wonder if Ichinose found out yet that it wasn't Shinya who was responsible for the death of his parents."

"Haha, no way!" she laughed with him.

Soon, the two arrived at the entrance of a deserted factory.

The interior of the factory was dark, making it difficult to identify the number and identities of the person present.

"Sorry! I forgot that the meeting was today." Kyouko apologized frivolously.

"I see. Whatever, is everyone here now, Hirata?" the person in the center asked.

"Y-yes..." Hirata, whose face was slightly illuminated by the moon, replied frightened.

"Good. Now Ryota!"


"Get down. I'm tired of standing." the person ordered.


Only silhouettes were to be seen, but it was enough to see that Ryota crouched down to be used as a human chair.


"Uff!" he groaned after the person sit down.

"So what's the reason for this?" Kyouko asked.

"Hey! Show some manners!" Daisuke warned her.

Hirata turned his head away nervously.

"Don't worry, Kyouko. I'll explain it in detail later but today I want to keep it short."

The clouds started to move, allowing the moonlight to shine more in the deserted factory.

Slowly but surely the identity of the person got revealed.

First, Ryota's red and exhausted face and the bare smooth legs of the one sitting on him. Then, the slender upper body and the person's long brown hair. And finally the emerald green eyes.

"Geez, just tell us already, Shiho." Kyouko said mindless.

Shiho's mouth formed a sinister and yet excited smile.

"Let's break Kazu-kun completely this time."

The curtains of Kazuma's tale did not fall yet as he was about to face his next and maybe greatest challenge.

However, it was a story meant to be told for another time.