The Billion Dollar Prisoner


Thousands of feet in the air, over a purple sunned horizon, twenty prisoners, each strapped to a chair inside of a giant military helicopter peered through the windows down at the world below. Each of them wore a hoodie, protecting anyone from seeing their faces, all except two men at the center of the helicopter. One who was frightened and middle aged, the other, huge and had no teeth.

Down below the aircraft, an entire war was taking place, with hundreds of people slaughtering each other right before their eyes.

"Your Finished!" A man with a giant rifle yelled jumping onto an injured man onto the ground

"Wait Please! Have mer-"


Pointing the butt of his rifle into the mans face, he pulled the trigger, filling the mans face with a blaze of blue and purple energy.

"Dear god…" The middle aged man on the helicopter said, closing his eyes. " What have I signed up for? What have I done!"

"Hehe" the giant man with missing teeth laughed. "When we drop, the first person I'm going for… is you!" He said ominously, moving his fingers.


A giant shockwave landed on the ground below the copter, shaking the entire aircraft as they traveled. As the men peered outside of their windows, they saw a giant blue bong that had landed, wiping out hundreds of people.

"Damnit!' The frightened man said. "Should we really be so close to the ground! What if we get hit!"

"Relax amature" A woman with blue hair said. As she turned to him taking off her hood, a scar that ran from the bottom of her left cheek to her right eye, glistened with an eerie blue glow. "This copter is cloaked, hitting it is nearly impossible"

"And how would you know that? What does a woman know about missile defense systems?" A man with glasses barked out.

"Don't underestimate women" A voice boomed beside the man. Taking off her hood, a huge bald headed woman with piercings across her face grunted.

The man with the glasses quickly withdrew himself, with a look of fear so vivid, his face nearly locked into that position forever.

"My my" A hooded man said across from her. "You have some rather large lady parts, I hear this island can get pretty lonely you know, maybe we could... partner up?"

"Take off that hood and say that again" The huge woman said. "I dare you"

"Well if we're all taking off our hoods." An old voice croaked. "I don't mind if I do."

A man in his fifties, with bright blue eyes, and a ponytail, took of his hood after giving a little bow.

"Your wide shot Willey!" The middle age man remarked. "Your wanted on over 80 planets! One of the best shotgunners of all time!"

"Heh that's right" He said laughing. "What's a average man like you doing in a place like this?"

"I have no idea! All I knew is it was either here or 10 years in prison!"

"Hehaha" Wiley laughed. "You were better off in prison if you ask me… this place is much worse, even I myself would have never set foot on this hell if it handed been for the intergalactic police."

"IP snagged you too huh?" The large woman with piercings laughed. "What's your sentence looking like?"

"They got me for 70 mil, how about yourself?"

"I'm looking at 65, such a large bounty for a tiny man" The woman laughed.

"Heh, I'm big where it counts honey" Willy said smiling. "And your not to big or too small, your juuust right"

"Hmm? What about me what about my sizes?" The blue haired woman said. "I'm here for 20 mil!"

"No one cares about your tiny organs" The man with no teeth laughed. "Hers are so large we can see them through her coat! I'm at 50 mil your still a child to me"

"Ehem!" The man with the glasses interjected "Now I may only have a bounty of a mere 15 mil... but as a man of science I would be happy to analyze-"

"Wait a minute" The math teacher interjected. "65 mil? 15 mil? I don't get it they are paying you all to go to jail?"

"Amature" The man with glasses said.

"I told you" The blue woman added

"On this planet Hage, everyones sentence is served in money, each year is a milloin dollars, in other words, you sir are ten milloin dollars in debt, and by surviving on this planet for a year, you get yourself a milloin dollars, if you are able to last ten years your home free!" Willey laughed

"Wait! You mean I have to survive? I have to go out there with those guys shooting rifles and giant nukes? I thought I came here to play games!"

"Games?" Wiley laughed. 'HAhahah you guys hear this!"

"I don't get it! I thought I came here to play the gun games!"

"These are the gun games" The woman with blue hair interjected. "They are played with real guns and real nukes, you signed yourself up for a warzone"

"Noooo!" The frightened man said sobbing. "This isn't fair! I came here to play games! No one told me they were going to involve my life!"

"Idiot!" The man with no teeth laughed. "Why do you think we signed a waver?"

"I don't know! Just in case we got injured! I didn't know our lives were on the line!"

The frightened man peered out of the window once again witnessing another innocent person get massacred.

"I… I can't make it out there!" The man said trying to unbuckle his seat. "I'm just an average guy! Out their I'll be massacred! Out there I will di-"

"Don't give in" The man sitting next to him said.

Grabbing his hand and preventing him from leaving, the man beside him shook his head.

"You only have to survive for ten years… You can make it… things could be alot worse for you… If you jump out of this helicopter right now you will die, and your family will never recover! You have to stay in this game Mr. Nomura"

As the man spoke, a familiar voice echoed in Mr. Nomura's brain, a voice he heard during his days as a school teacher, before he had fallen into this mess.

"That voice…" Mr. Nomura said. "Could it be!" reaching forward, he took of the hood of the man in front of him.

"Hmmm? Wiley said.

"What the?"


"It's just a kid!"

Taking the hood of the man beside him, he revealed a eighteen year old boy with white hair and an eyepatch.

"Justice!" The man cried. "What are you doing here!"

"I'm here to serve my sentence" Justice answered.

"Sentence?" The woman asked. "What sentence could an eighteen year old possibly have! On this planet your sentence gets reduced by a tenth, so seven hundred years becomes seventy, one hundred years becomes ten, and ten years becomes one, just exactly how many years do you have little one?" The blue haired woman asked.

"Let's get three things straight" Justice said.

"First, my name is Justice, not little one, so unless you all want to face justice, I advise, you get my fucking name right"

"Oohhh touchy touchy" The blue haired woman said

"Second, if a single one of you lays a hand on my Math teacher from High school, your as good as dead." Justice said.

"And what's number three?" Wiley said. "Intrigue me"

"Number three… and I'm not saying this because I'm trying to intimidate you, or lie to you I am only telling you this so you don't need to ask me again."

"What is it?" The man with the glasses said.

"My sentence… is currently sitting at… a billion dollars." He said.

"ONE BILLOIN!" The group of prisoners gasped