Guns Are Drawn

"Please!" Mr. Nomura begged without a weapon in his hand. "Lets find a way to work this out!"

"Fat chance" The blue haired woman said. "Do you know who some of these criminals are? Not a single one of them is to be trusted!"

"Well some of us are more notorious than others," The man with glasses said. "Why are we pointing are guns at ourselves? Isn't there a bigger threat at play here?"

As the man with glasses spoke, everyone slowly turned their eyes towards wide shot Wiley.

"You son of a bitch…" He croaked.

In moments, all of the pistols were pointed at Wiley and were primed and ready to fire.

"Now what did I do to deserve all this?" He said laughing.

"According to reports, you once took out 6 IP agents at once with your shotgun, if you wanted to you could waste this entire room!" Mr. Nomura

"Keyword shotgun" Wiley said. "I'm not as good with a pistol, if you ask me, that giant woman with the earrings, her booty, I mean bounty is even higher than mine! she's the real problem here."

"Oh yeah? Well I'll take my chances" The blue haired woman said. "From what I heard about you on the street, you also killed one of your own brothers… I say we waste him here and now"

"Heh, my brother tried to drown me in a bathtub when I was twelve! If you like him so much! GO pay him a visit in hell!" Willy said pointing his pistol at the woman.

"Wait Please!" Mr. Nomura pleaded. "This is no time to fight!"

"He If I go out…" Willy said pointing his pistols at the blue woman. "I'm taking your sweet as with me to hell!"



In that instant, all of the prisoners pulled the trigger on their guns, illuminating the room with a bright blue glow.

"What the hell!" Willy screamed. "The guns didn't fire!"

He and all of the other prisoners looked at their guns, that glowed as they pulled the trigger, but refused to

"They won't fire" A voice said from outside. "Not unless you step onto the planet."

On the outside of the helicopter, Justice aimed his pistol at the remaining people inside.

"What in the hell are you-"


Justice shot a blast of blue plasma whisking just past Wiley's face.

"How?" The blue haired woman said looking back at Justice.

"Didn't any of you notice? Two things happened before that man was shot." Justice said

"First, the pilot kicked the prisoner off the aircraft, then he himself jumped out, after doing that, he fired his weapon. It was only after he left the aircraft did all of that happen."

"I see" The man with glasses said. "That's why he said the game starts the second you touch the ground.

"Precisely, in other words, the guns can be used only once the game has started, this was supposed to be a massive bloodbath between here and the door, but luckily none of you were smart enough to run out and grab the pilot playfully left on the ground."

"Amazing!" Mr. Nomura exclaimed. "Justice! You were always my best student! Your deductive skills and reasoning always baffled me!"

"Well then what now?" The man with glasses said. "Are you going to kill us all?"

"Not a thought" Justice said

"Then why are you still pointing the gun? I might have been born last week, but I wasn't born yesterday kid." Willy said.

"Here's what's going to happen." Justice said.

"First, My math teacher Mr. Nomura is going to walk off the aircraft, and none of you are going to stop him."

Mr. Nomura slowly approached the end of the aircraft, and dropped of the edge of its docking staircase.

"What! What is!"

"Shhh!" Justice said placing a finger on his lips. He winked at Mr. Nomura and led him along.

"Thank you Justice" He said placing his hands on Justice's shoulder.

"Ok, Now walk inside" Justice said.

As Mr. Nomura started walking Justice pointed his gun at the man with glasses.

"Next is you, go ahead and walk off, never turn around and keep walking to the safe area, if you do that, you won't be shot."

"How do I know I can trust you?" The man with glasses said.

"Because, if I wanted to kill you I could have already, once I'm on the ground, I can do whatever I want."

"But how do we know that for sure? Maybe you can't kill anyone on the plane and your tricking us to come down." He said.

"Your very perceptive" Justice said. "But if that were the case, Why tell you at all? Why not take my math teacher and go? Why risk that bluff?"

The man with glasses eyed Justice carefully.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" He said. "Why don't you just leave with your teacher now?"

"Because unlike any of you, I have researched this planet, I know the notions of the games the bounties and what we are all going to face ahead of us, and right now… I'm trying to get as many alleys as I possibly can," Justice admitted.

"Ally?" The man with no teeth said. "Your pointing a gun at us makes us allies?"

"There is a man pointing a gun at you in one room, and an army of tanks lasers and bombs in the other, which one do you enter?" Justice asked

"I'll take the risk" The woman with piercings said. "If you end up turning on me, it will take more than a shot to kill me, and I'm deadly at close range, I will go first."

"Wait!" The blue haired woman said.

Without wasting a second, the woman with piercings walked off the aircraft.

"What... wha tis this!" The woman with peircing said.

"What did he do! Did he shoot you?" The woman with blue hair said.

"No... there's some kind of heads up display! It says I currently have 1000 Hp! And also some kind of blue shield around me"

"What!" Wiley exclaimed.

"That's right" Justice said. "Each of you are provided with some kind of protective sheild that provides you an hp bar as soon as you land. So, even if I did shoot you" He said pointing his gun at himself.


Justice fired a shot directly into his head.

As the blast made contact with his head, a protective barrier envoloped his body, protecting himself from injury.

"You woulnd't have died."

"Wait..." The man with glasses said. "That doesn't make any sense! The man from earlier killed that man in one shot..."

"No, that what we saw. but that's not what happend." Justice said.

"In reality, he kicked the man off the plane and shot him with a different gun than this, he must have dropped his sheild with some kind of move and then used a stronger weapon to finish him off"

"But how did you know that weapon wouldn't kill you?" THe man with glasses asked.

"This weapon, it has a number on it, that number is 250. Since the number didn't go down no matter how many times I fired it, I aimed it at myself earlier, and sure enough, this weapon does 250 damage, and according to my shield, a good 500 damage for a head shot."

Each of the prisoners looked at their weapons and saw the number 250 on the back of their guns.

"So" Wiley said. "What exactly is stopping us from bum rushing you, you can't kill us with one shot, and we can easily outmaneuver you." Wiley smiled

"Nothing" Justice said. "But, I have two pistols on me thanks to Mr. Nomura" He said drawing his pistol. "And thanks to my woman friend here, I've got an ally, so if you want an all out war... My money is on us."

"That was your goal from the beginning" The man with glasses said. "It wasn't to get us all home safely... it was, to gain our trust! But why!"

Willey, grabbing a pistol from the inside, dove out of the aircraft and took cover behind it.

"That's why!" Justice said. "Everyone who wants to survive! Get behind me!"