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Justice's cubicle began to move, slowly dragging hidm to a different area like he was inside of an elevator. The lights inside flashed as he drifted through the inside of the building.

After a few minutes of shuffling his room final came to a halt. As he strained his eyes to the darkness a image flashed on his screen for just a moment. The lips of a man with white hair became visible on the screen.

"Player #372897 Justice J Park, I look forward to your journey, an eye for an eye my friend" The man said.

"UGHH!!" Justice cried as he grabbed his bandaged eye.

Before he could even think, the bottom of his cubivel dropped open forcing him to fall from an extremely high height.

"No way" Justice thought as he watched dozens of other players fall from the sky.

"That building wasn't a building at all! It was... an Aircraft!"

As he fell to the ground he looked above seeing a giant white aircraft.

"Justice!" Mr. Nomura cried from the other side of the plane.

"Shit!" Justice said. "He's on the complete other side!"

As he got closer and closer to the ground he saw a horde of players running to his position. They shot and fought at each other as they appraoched.

"Players already here in the gulag are fighting over which one of them gets the free kill... what kind of hell... is this!"


Justice landed on the ground and looked around at his surroundings.


A few shots from a rifle were shot at him as he used his air dodging skills to dodge the shots.

"Hold tight Mr. Nomura" Justice said. "I'm coming!"

As Justice leapt and bounded through the stage, his face came up on a teleprompter.

"Justice J Park, bounty, 1,000,000 Total outstanding debt 1,000,000,000"

"What in the hell!" A man with a beer shouted. "How does he have a billion dollar debt?"

All around the world, people watched the screen as the new players were displayed.

"Heheh, look guys" A man with a mohawk laughed. "It's WIlley"

He and his gang of motorcyclists stood outside of a bar, watching Willey fight against the horde of players that were coming out.

"Heh that son of a bitch!"

Back on the planet Justice was running and dodging through enemies trying to get to Mr. Nomura

"If I waste even one second" Justice said Jumping over a shot "I'm as good as"

As justice ran over a boulder, a giant man with a rocket launcher aimed at him laughed softly.

"Some attackes" He said lining up his shot" Can't be dodged! Mr... What? A billion dollars in debt?"

The man scratched his head as he watched other players chase after Justice. "Why the hell would someone be after someone like you? Your not worth the ammo in this gun" The man said turning around.

"Thank god!" Justice said running ahead.

"Justice!" Mr. Nomura screamed.

At the top of a hill, Mr Nomura was positioned behind a rock holding off fire from a group of enemies.

"You scumbags..." Justice said arming himself. "Get away from my teacher!"

Before the man could turn around, Justice sprayed them with a barrage of shots dropping their shields by half.

"It's just one guy!" One of them yelled. "Flank him!" The criminals ran on ether side of Justice ready to take him out from his spot behind a boulder.

"Die you bastard!" They yelled, spinning around the corner

There was no one there.

"Above you" Justice said raining down a hail of bullets onto one of them.

The man he fired at fell to the ground as his shields were wiped out and his health fell to 15 hp.

"I have your man nearly defeated, fall back now nad I will let you liv-"

Justice sutttered as he saw the man with a pistol slowly raise it at his own comerad.

"What!" Justice said.

"You've only been here for a minute... but in a place like the Gulag, having a health bar below 500 is nearly automatic death, the scond you weakend him... it was over" THe man said.

"Aren't you going to even try!" Justice said. "Isn't this your friend!"

"Friend?" The man laughed. "There are no friends on this planet, only contracts, and since I have already received approval from him on my screen, I am free to shoot, I will use the money from your bounty to help your family, as stated in the terms, thank you Bisham"

"GOOD LUCK" Bisham Screamed grabbing Justice's legs.

"Goddamnit! I can't move!"

"Have fun!" His partner said lining up the shot. He raised a sniper rifle to Justice's head.

"And remember! EVRYONE HAS A GUN!"