Chose a way to die

The expressions of the people in the burial room changed at once, they didn't want to run outside where Li Yiqian was looking for them but at the same time, they didn't want to die because of the fiery thing that was flying toward them. Tao Guotin's face turned grim as he looked at the fiery red glow in front of them and gritted his teeth as he suddenly looked at his friends after making a decision. " I don't know about you guys but I think being dragged down the ground seems like a better way to die instead of being burned alive, right?" 

Now that they were going to die, they might as well choose the type of death that they wanted since they couldn't choose to live. 

As soon as Tao Guotin finished speaking, the others looked at him in alarm, what was he talking about? Choosing a way to die? Was there no other way left for them?