A True Demon walks amongst us

Kora's emerald robes flailed like a flag with the breeze, his tranquil gaze swept across all the figures that had even more derision and disbelief than yesterday.

'Even a white rose has a black shadow...Even the Devil was once an angel...' He had a burning desire to snatch all of their women and make them watch how he plows them but he didn't have the strength to fulfill his craving.

"Congratulation Athelisia, your Queen level talent will definitely bring the state to an era of prosperity and joy to the Marquess." Bruce, Kora's uncle had a jubilant look. He couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. After all, Athelisia was his daughter, and compared to the poor talent that Kora displayed earlier, made him jump in even more ebullience.

Athelisia glanced towards Kora and scoffed in triumph. Kora was calm, he only came here to find some clues regarding why he was rejected by the Grand Celestial Steps. And he felt like he found something. He threw those matters to the back of his mind as he looked towards his maid, Alea with an indifferent gaze.

She was looking at Kora as if she was seeing a rare specimen.

'How the fuck is he not disappointed or depressed?' Alea was flabbergasted by the emotionless gaze of Kora. Alea also felt a chill pass down her spine as soon as she saw Kora looking at her with a smile that was not a smile. To her, it felt like the claws of true demonism who has detached himself from worldly illusions except for lust and will go to any lengths to make the world burn. His gaze was terrifying and his previous calm aura was eerie. A true demon was walking amongst men.

The people around the Grand Celestial Steps who came to witness Athelisia's awakening ceremony were bewildered as their brows curled into a knot at Kora's serene disposition. It was acceptable for Kora to not get disappointed by his own lack of talent but when compared to Athelisia, he should have been downhearted or slightly dispirited. But to their disbelief, Kora's aura was not blizzardly, as they expected but hushed like the interior of a Gothic Church.

Kora took out a wheel, or precisely a 'Chakra', that was made of gold and handed it to Alea while speaking softly:

"Congratulations Athelisia, this is my gift for you." Kora didn't wait for Alea to carry out his orders and left while thinking about the missing pieces to perfect his cultivation path.

Although he had spirit stones to cultivate now, there was no guarantee when his support will be cut-off. After all, he was the worst-level talent. He had no idea when he would be clobbered as the marquessate has received a better inheritor than him, Athelisia. Although unorthodox, yet women lead many states and were not looked down upon as the world revolved around strength. If a woman has the strength to rule, she would be respected and the powerless or weak will have to bow their heads.


"Something is missing!" Kora shook his head and looked around the Chakra he made yesterday. He pondered for a while but couldn't come to any conclusions. He could feel that he might be able to break through to Rank-2 of Elementary Profound Realm if he could keep burning spirit stones like wood within 2 years, but unfortunately, he knew that wouldn't be possible. As his younger brother will also form his dantian next year and there was no guarantee on what his talent could be. Kora was already under pressure because of Athelisia's heaven-defying talent.

Kora knew he would be left behind in the dust because his cultivation talent was just too poor. Advancing a minor rank in 2 years, compared to Athelisia, who could do the same within a few weeks would mean cutting off from his support sooner than expected.

'I'll have to go to the academy...I won't be able to leech off from this place for long.' Kora had a true demonic heart, a creature who has dropped all notions of virtue and vice. He didn't mind exploiting other people for his goals and also didn't care about his pride or dignity. He would stoop to any lows as he progresses on his path to attain nirvana. He has detached himself from almost every illusion and myriads of the world but sensual desires.

'But before that, I'll use everything that I could get from here...All for the greater good of my dreams to achieve nirvana while embracing Lust.' Kora knew he could only achieve nirvana if he can relinquish all the desires of his heart, but since he couldn't do it in the past he decided to embrace lust completely and then try to achieve nirvana.

Kora didn't have any desire to rule or become the Emperor or the King. He could already see the phantasms of a throne, but he had to gain strength, he had to become undefeatable so that nobody could try to beat him when he snatches women that shouldn't belong to him.

Even Kora didn't know why he was feeling so refreshed after embracing the part of himself that he has tried to suppress, for so long in order to achieve a higher state of enlightenment.

Kora's jade-colored eyes shone with optimism when he thought about only one thing, which is to move forward and never look back.

He stepped forward inside his room and pushed his bed aside. Although he was only a Rank-1 Elementary Profound Realm, he still had strength higher than anyone who has not formed a dantian yet, that is, reached the age of 18 years.

He placed over the 5000 spirit stones, emptying his storage ring, over the Chakra, and then pushed his bed above the marking and spirit stones.

'Maybe...what I am missing is my true nature...' He thought as a woman entered his room. She had a mature charm.

Kora turned around and embraced the woman behind him...

And soon the moans and groans filled the entire room while Kora tried to focus on his cultivation while chanting several mantras in between each of his thrusts.



Billowing waves of heavenly energy swirled around the pair, but the woman was too lost in the pleasure that she didn't notice anything and only enjoyed Kora's skillful techniques.

With each moan that escaped her mouth, Kora, felt his true nature being awakened. There was no concept of cultivating the yin and yang energies of a woman and a man, thus as he felt his cultivation increase at a breakneck speed he named this newfound technique as 'Kama Sutra'.


Meanwhile, a Ralvuzeth, outside the door had her brows furrowed, she didn't know what to tell the person above. In the end, she just sighed and decided to tell the truth and remain ignorant of the other details.


"What did you find?" A shadowy figure asked in a concealed voice.

"Kora Le Blank, Junior Marquess, eldest son of Edwardson Le Blank, a depraved individual. Only cares about bedding women and nothing else."

"A 'Zero' level cultivation talent and a person with no morals" Alea Mevit replied nonchalantly.

"What else?" asked the shadowy figure.

Alea pondered for a bit as she felt the sudden chill again when she remembered those serene eyes that seemed to hold the world within, she replied in a slightly wobbly tone:

"An anomaly who is not affected by the things happening around him and wasn't depressed when his cultivation talent was revealed and also didn't lose his calmness even when being compared to his cousin who had a 'Queen' level talent" Alea didn't mention his chilly smile that held no emotions and his expressions that were completely detached from the illusions of the world.

'And a demon.' she added inwardly in her mind.

"And?" The voice asked again.

"Last time I checked upon him, I could hear moans from his room, I didn't dare to use my spiritual sense as many of his partners are women of much higher standings and cultivations levels. Risks were too high." Alea shook her head with a bit of hesitation.

The figure didn't notice and nodded his head in agreement as they vanished into thin air, leaving behind a storage ring on the ground filled with spirit stones.

"Why does she care about him?" Alea although didn't know who that figure was, but she could tell that the shadow was a woman of very high standing and much higher cultivation as the reward she got from spying and reporting Kora's personality was very high.

Although Alea couldn't cultivate using those spirit stones, she had her own problems which could only be solved by wealth, and didn't mind dirtying her hands.


A new day, a greater resolve to strive further could be seen in the jade eyes of a man, leaning on the door of his room, waiting for the person, who he felt should be taken care of soon.



Alea Mevit appeared in the corridors of the mansion which lead to Kora's courtyard. The corridors were exquisite and regal, designed with state-of-the-art paintings that held deeper Dao Intents. Although a marquess is nothing compared to a duke or a grand duke, they still held quite a bit of power and authority.

"M-Mast-K-Kora" Alea was flustered as she didn't expect Kora to lean on the doors of his own room as if he was waiting for her.

Alea, although was at a much higher cultivation level than Kora, she felt a strange feeling of dread looming over her head which caused beads of sweat to roll down her forehead.

"Why so agitated my dear? An emotionless voice resounded in Alea's ears as she felt her heart becoming unsettled.

"Just as people are afraid of serpents, they are afraid of people who utter lies. Although I may follow the path of true demonism, I accept my Dharma and accept myself without any lies or deceits. That is the true profundity of life. To accept yourself and move forward. But a snake, like you, should know...that serpents can live only till they are not found."

Each word was like the ringing thunders inside Alea's mind. She unleashed her cultivation of rank-8 Elementary Profound Realm to restrict Kora's movements,


Little did she know she has already fallen into Kora's trap as another pressure descended upon her which forced her to kneel on the ground, she turned around to see the woman, who she saw entering Kora's room yesterday, as her vision turned blur with a heavy knock on her head.