Vatsyayana Mallanaga.

The burly man, chief of the village had the cultivation of Rank-4 Elementary Profound Realm, and compared to Kora's Early-Stage Elementary Profound Realm, Middle-Stage took an exponential leap. Just the pressure that the chief's cultivation put on the shoulders of Kora reduced his speed by about 25% even when Kora tried to resist the pressure with his own cultivation.

'I overestimated myself...' Kora thought with a grave look. He knew his Soul Weapon was pretty strong but his weapon worked with the manipulation of qi that was inside his dantian and could move slightly faster than all the Early-Stage Elementary Profound Realm, but a Middle-Stage was in his own league.

"Do you have a wife?" Kora displayed a small smile.

"Why do you ask?" Chief was confident in his cultivation and was willing to entertain this foolish person for a little longer because he was going to hunt him down regardless, for that strange weapon anyway.

"I can hear moans of your wife" Kora's smile widened as he pointed to a random hut in the village,

Confused, the Chief glanced towards the hut Kora pointed as he spread his senses to the maximum.

Kora smirked as he turned and ran at full speed towards the forest while controlling the Chakra, that darted towards the Village Chief.

"Buffoon!" Kora displayed a sly smile while running inside the forest.

Chief's eyelids twitched upon seeing the shamelessness and dishonorable behavior of someone who came to fight him.

"Stop!!" He roared and rushed towards Kora while pulling out his Soul Weapon, which was carved in a shape of a double-bit Ax.

'Fools will remain fools no matter how high they rise, at the end of the end it is the wisdom that rules!' Kora thought as he moved towards a particular area in the forest.



The Chakra was sent flying, each time it hit the Chief's Ax. Although powerful and fast, it was incomparable to the strength and speed of the Middle-Stage Profound Realm.

"Bastard" Chief roared with an annoyed face as he wrinkled his brows into knots.

Kora took out a sword from his storage ring. Although he was not the best, he has learned enough ever since he came to this world. After all, he was a Junior Marques, the Eldest son of Edwardson Le Blank. He was provided with SwordMasters who helped him hone his abilities and Kora trained diligently.

He stood some distance away from a small patch of grass, covered with leaves that were undistinguishable in the dark, and even with the spiritual sense it would look normal as the trap was about 20 meters deep, and filled with loose dirt and leaves.

Kora had planned several countermeasures if his strength was not enough and he had no qualms in using underhanded methods to get what he wants, thus he planned these traps in case of emergency.

Kora appeared to be 'tired' and 'drained' as if his dantian was empty and took 'deep breaths' to refill his dantian with the world qi.

Each step that the Chief took, appeared to be in slow motion in Kora's jade eyes. At the last moment, Kora frowned slightly but was not disappointed.


The moment the Chief was about to fall for the trap, he smirked and jumped over the trap as if he knew about the traps beforehand.

"Kid, you really think I am that naive?" Chief's smile widened as he approached Kora with fast strides while...

*Ting!* ...repelling the attacks of the Chakra.

The Chief took another step and...

...His foot was about to be seized by a rope while Kora waited for the opportunity to come so that he could strike in the moment of chief's confusion,


The chief cut the rope before his feet could touch it.

"Haha...Unlike you...I have spent many years in the forest trapping many beasts!"

"Your tricks won't work on me...Haha," The chief laughed heartily as Kora's brows furrowed into knots.

Although he had learned to use many weapons, he could perform rituals and recite mantras at the back of his hand...Although he was one of the best partners a woman could get because of his profound knowledge in the art of 'Kama Sutra', He had no experience in fights and how to overwhelm your opponents!

Even though Kora was destined to lose this fight, he won't give up until his dying breaths and will die without any this was the path that he chose with his heart of cultivation, he will only move forward and believe that his next reincarnation, with or without memories of past will be able to achieve nirvana!

"Om ManiPadme hum..." Kora uttered as he gripped his sword with all his strength. His tone held no emotions while reciting one of the most well-known Buddhist Mantra. ManiPadme is preceded by the om syllable and followed by the hum syllable, both interjections without linguistic meaning, but widely known as Divine sounds while Manipadme, is often interpreted as the 'jewel in the lotus' according to Sanskrit texts. The Lotus is a symbol present throughout Hinduism, signifying purity and spiritual fruition.

'However, another theory about the meaning of this mantra is that it actually invokes a female deity named Manipadmi, if chanted by a person who is destined to be the almighty.' Kora thought amusedly but still held his beliefs.

Was Kora a fanatic? No! He believed in himself. And the Mantras were just a way to connect his body, mind, and soul with the higher form of power and the hypothesis was just one of many theories that he had heard about in his past life.

The Chief rushed towards him at a high speed that couldn't be perceived by non-cultivators and even Kora had to squint his eyes to prepare for all the attacks that were headed his way. Chief's thundering steps resounded in the forest as he stepped upon many dry leaves while crushing them below his feet and holding his Soul Weapon in his hand ready to crush Kora underneath its strength as his eyes flashed with greed.

But Kora was calm, his breathing steady and his gaze was phlegmatic!

So What if he dies, even after following his heart? He wouldn't die with regrets as he did everything to attain nirvana, failure is just a part of life. The man who understands this rises above his desires, to live a pathetic life without nirvana, without enlightenment, without embracing himself.

"Die little mutt!" The burly chief raised his double-bit Ax and was about to meet with Kora's sword...


A silhouette of a feminine figure appeared in between the two men, as she said:

"Missed me Vatsyayana?" Her voice was sweet and held many emotions...that Kora could understand even with his eyes closed and eardrums shattered!

Kora's eyes popped out of his skull and his jaws dropped to the ground. This was the first time his eyes held emotions and his heart throbbed...!


The Ax was warded off gracefully by a silver elegant sword as Kora looked at the figure in a daze...