The Human and the Freak.

The olive mist surrounded the adulterous pair, as they looked deeply into each other's eyes in disbelief! The green-colored 'Q' symbol that appeared below their bellybuttons, was the proof of the bloodline awakening ritual!

"You are an Ozonal Demon, Jazmine?"

"You and Yelena are Ozonal Demons?"

Kora and Jazmine asked at the same time, with eyes wide open, they both were scrutinizing each other not at the fact that they were both hiding their demonic race but the fact that their bloodline awakened. Since awakening bloodline was not easy.


A beautiful woman with jade eyes and the same emerald hair, similar to Kora entered the room by breaking in through the closed door.



Yelena furrowed her brows, she nodded in understanding and reminded them, "What has happened can't be changed, quickly complete the awakening ritual." She rubbed her forehead, in deep thought, as she turned around and quickly fixed the door with her powers in a makeshift way, closed the door, and stood there while facing the door.

"Complete the ritual morons!" Yelena reminded them when she felt the gazes of Kora and Jazmine on her back. "I will hide the demonic energy you release!" She assured the pair who were dumbfounded as she used her powers to hide the demonic signature.

Kora although surprised, quickly regained his bearings, his eyes glowed viridian, as slits appeared in his eyes, his teeth sharpened as he lunged on her soft neck, and bit with strength.

"Aaahh!" Startled, by the sudden bite, Jazmine yelped in delight, as she only felt pleasure instead of pain. Jade mist released from her neck and entered Kora's mouth, his lungs siphoned in all the mist and mist followed through like flies attracted to the putrid stench.

"Jazmine do it." Yelena nudged the fool who was enjoying this situation and was completely lost in pleasure.

Jolting awake from the sea of pleasures, Jazmine's silver eyes also glowed radiantly, as they turned into slits, her teeth sharpened and she chomped at Kora's neck as well, guzzling in the mist that Kora's neck released.

Two tales each morphed out from both of their tailbones and wriggled, excitedly. The four tails, intertwined with each other like 4 emerald serpents. The tails braided and finally, the ends of the tails melted into the ends of the partner's tails, and soon only 2 long tails could be witnessed connecting the pair. Kora's 'Tiran Spirit' Mark, hidden under the bandages glowed brightly, amplifying its powers further. He started moving his waist, back and forth, to finish what they started as Jazmine's body convulsed umpteenth time.


A few minutes, later, Kora, Jazmine, and Yelena were sitting on chairs available in Jazmine's room. Kora was relaxed, Jazmine, had a guilty and apprehensive expression. Yelena looked at the illicit pair with furrowed brows.

"You should have controlled yourself, Jazmine..." Yelena spoke coldly, "If I didn't reach here in time, both of your lives would have been compromised and maybe even mine."

Jazmine angrily looked at Yelena as she retorted in a grating voice, "Control Yourself? Can't you tell your son to stop putting his rod where it shouldn't belong?" She practically yelled towards the end.

"He is a man." Yelena's jab caused Jazmine to be speechless, "And you are a married woman, he isn't tied to anyone, furthermore don't yell at me, I saved your life, as the Demons who perform the ritual, can't control the Demonic Energy, once the ritual starts and once the Demonic signature reaches the Palace, they would come here and investigate."

"This...!" She uttered in shock. She stared at the pair of mother and son, one was a debauched individual, while his mother is supporting him? What kind of situation is this? Isn't it the parent's duty towards their progeny, to raise a child with good moral values?

"Anyways, it is good that we awakened our bloodlines right?" Kora tried to break the ice.

"Yes, Ozonal Demons, only awaken their bloodlines by two methods, First is we naturally awaken upon birth, as I did, and second is by having sex with another Ozonal Demon whose Bloodline has not been awakened, and their Demonic blood resonates with yours."

"In the archaic era, we had several ways to test the blood resonance and find the most suitable partner, but who would have thought, your blood will resonate with Jazmine." Yelena pondered and added, "Jazmine's mother, Earl Wilfried Mezusk's wife, Karissa Mezusk is a hidden Ozonal Demon, how cunning..." Yelena said aloud while thinking how sharp this Karissa Mezusk is while scratching her chin in deep thought... "Karissa dared to hide in a Kingdom ruled by the Nixie race. The Fairy-like race, that hates all demons equally, without any discrimination!" Yelena deduced.

"Yes yes yes...It is all my and my mother's fault. We are the ones to blame!" Jazmine pointed at herself in indignation. What was this? The Demonic Mother is blaming another Demon for hiding in the Fairy Kingdom of Glipike, while she was doing the same along with her Demonic son! Hypocrite!

'The hardest roads are often empty; the darkest paths are mostly silent; toughest destinations are almost people less! No easy road brings you great victory' Kora thought as he recalled his meeting with Princess Scarlet O Conailli, a Nixie fairy, his wife from his previous life as he steeled his resolve to get her back even though he was a Demon in the Fairy Kingdom.

"What about Athelisia?" Kora was curious whether Athelisia was an Ozonal or not?

"She took after Bruce, and doesn't have the Ozonal blood in her, She can never awaken." If both the parents are Ozonal's then they would definitely give birth to an Ozonal Demon, and if only one parent is Ozonal, then the offspring would be either an Ozonal or a normal human, And in this case, Athelisia took after her father.

"What about the marks, Yelena?" Jazmine asked Yelena, worriedly, whose bloodline was already awakened, unlike her mother, who has lived a peaceful life without revealing her true form ever. Thus, although she knew about the 'Q' marks proving that the person is an awakened Ozonal Demon, she didn't know how to hide it. But now when Yelena told her that she was awakened by birth, meaning she had a mark before she married Edwardson, she must also have a method to hide it. Otherwise, Edwardson would have known about Yelena's true origins, but as Yelena successfully gave birth to Kora, he must not know about the mark, nor about, Yelena being an Ozonal Demon.

"Oh, it will take some time, for you to control it and change its color to match your skin. Since I was awakened by birth, I had many years to practice hiding it. My father was a demon and died long ago, and taught me diligently on how to control the mark efficiently before he died."

"YEARS?" Jazmine glanced at Kora as her eyes brimmed with fury, asking for an explanation!

"You don't have to think about that useless husband of yours, because he may find out about the mark on your stomach, which proves you are an Ozonal Demon, my Jazz," Kora smirked as he leaned forward and quickly gave her a peck on the lips, as he added, "Don't worry, I will take care of all your sensual needs Jazz since you are my wife from now on!"

Jazmine's brain shortcircuited. Kora was too Barefaced! His audacity had no limits!

And it was the truth, as Kora has transcended above all the desires except sensual ones. He had no Honor or Dignity. He neither believed in Pride nor Aristocracy! Kora's eyes held only one desire, sensual desires, and attain nirvana, the highest state of enlightenment!

"Oh, by the way, I need some spirit stones. As your husband, I am sure, my beautiful wife would lend me some..." Kora said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yes, I also need some. As my Daughter-in-law, I am sure you wouldn't mind lending me some as I used up all the spirit stones that Edwardson gave me over the years." Yelena chimed in.

"Shameless!" Jazmine held her head exaggeratedly and shrieked.

"Wait, a second. Why would a 'Zero' level talent need spirit stones?" She found this suspicious.

Kora only unleashed his cultivation of Mid-Stage Elementary Profound Realm. Shocked, Jazmine's body trembled in horror. Kora was not worried about Jazmine revealing his abnormal cultivation speed that even surpass Ace's, because Jazmine and he were Demons hiding in Nixie Race territory. At this point, they were partners in crime!


"I can help you with your cultivation, maybe you will breakthrough..." Kora held her hands and spoke 'lovingly'. Kora held no emotions, but he had mastered the art of Kama Sutra, and he knew how to court a woman, to make her fall deeper into depravity. He knew Jazmine wouldn't sleep with him again, especially if the guilt of betraying Bruce weighs on her mind, but he also knew if he somehow, make her sleep with him again just a few more times, she wouldn't be able to go back to tiny pencils. Furthermore, the fact that their Demonic blood resonates, along with Kora's experienced techniques would make her feel like Kora was her 'destined partner' as it was natural for Ozonal Demons to marry the person their blood resonated with, in the past.

Yelena already knew most secrets about Kora, thus she didn't find anything surprising.

"Really?" Intrigued, Jazmine couldn't help but want to know more about Kora's mysterious cultivation technique that helped a 'Zero' to advance ranks so quickly!

"Yes, I promise you, your cultivation will increase at a breakneck speed, just like mine." Kora gave another peck on her lips.

"What do I have to do?" Kora's enthralling and riveting voice seemed to pull Jazmine towards the demonic abyss.

"We would need spirit stones."

"I have enough...!" She got up, walked towards her wardrobes, and took out a new storage ring. She quickly transferred some of the spirit stones from her storage ring at her finger to the other ring and tossed it to Kora. At the end of the day, Jazmine was still a greedy woman and the only reason she allowed Kora to massage her, was to breakthrough ranks easily. Although doubtful, she knew, she was the strongest person in the room, and if the pair of son and mother tries anything funny, she could easily swat them off.

Kora analyzed the ring that had about 2000 spirit stones. Satisfied, he quickly set them up across the room in various esoteric symbols and finally pushed the bed over them.

When Jazmine saw Kora cleaning the bed that had liquids of their previous session, she furrowed her brows as she asked, "Is that how you cultivated so fast, or are you fooling me again?" Her tone was cold, she had no interest in betraying Bruce again and falling into Kora's traps from which she will never be able to return.

"Sigh~...I am not fooling you, Jazz. We have already done it once, if you don't feel you are closer to your breakthrough, we would pretend this never happened and forget about everything that happened in the past 1 hour." Kora sat on the bed and raised one of his hands in a poised manner, inviting Jazmine.

Jazmine closed her eyes and fell into deep thought. Soon, her mind rationalized that she has already done it once just a few minutes ago and if Kora's methods are not successful, she would cut off all the ties with him forever. She opened her eyes and walked towards the bed...

A Fatal Mistake!

Kora looked towards Yelena from the corner of his eyes, who just sighed in response and left the room, leaving the pair to indulge in themselves.

Kora didn't say anything else and looked towards Jazmine. He pulled her as they indulged in Kama Sutra while the Qi extracted from spirit stones swirled around the pair fervently, directly entering their dantians. Pushing Kora's cultivation to the peak of Rank-4 Elementary Profound Realm and Jazmine's to the peak of Rank-10 True Profound Realm.

'There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed.' Kora thought as he knew Jazmine's nature. And he knew how to manipulate people like her.

He engaged her from the very start in such a way that it was inevitable for Jazmine to fall for him and empty her heavy pockets. Jazmine's nature wanted to learn more from Kora about cultivation as to her it felt like Kora had a natural talent to connect with the world. Kora used this fact to his advantage and talked about a massage that could help in a breakthrough. Although Kora planned to steal her storage ring in the middle of Kama Sutra and spread them across the room when she gets tired and continue again to help her breakthrough, that plan was ruined by Bloodline awakening, thus he improvised by revealing his mysterious cultivation technique that required sensual pleasures.

Now the lamb was completely in control, Although 2000 spirit stones won't help Jazmine in a breakthrough, she would definitely feel closer to Spirit Realm and her greed to advance ranks quickly will push her to the gorges of the fiend.


Meanwhile, Yelena entered her room and took a deep breath, as her face distorted into two sides. Half of her face turned greenish and a single tail from her tailbone morphed inside her robes. It was horrible and freakish to look at, as half of her face had sharp teeth while the other side looked gentle. One side's eyes turned to slits, while the other remained human.

"Yelen, Bitch Go back!" The human side screamed.

"YELENA!! LET ME OUT BITCH!" The freakish side shrieked in a high-pitched voice!

"LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" Resounded in the room for a couple of minutes before Yelena's face turned to normal as she sighed in relief!

*knock!* *knock!*

"Y-Yes?" Yelena asked.

"Lady Yelena, there are guests from the Royal Palace. Marquess has asked for your presence!" replied a maid in a humble tone.

Yelena's face turned dark as a horrible possibility flashed through her mind.