Wolf Among Us.

"The Fourth Test- 'Wolf Among Us!'" Felecia's words rang throughout the hall as she gave participants some time to digest, looking in their traumatized eyes, Felecia smiled playfully, "An ordinary Wolf horde will arrive from each room for the next 3 minutes, non-stop. Collect the Beast Cores and for each Beast Core, you would be rewarded 50points!"

Felecia smirked as a mischievous glint flashed through her eyes, "The number of people near the beast cores in a 10-meter radius during the last second will be considered as the owners of all the beast cores, thus the total count will be divided among all the keepers...so make sure you only have your friiiieeends nearby... Ah! Did I mention killing is allowed? Hehe~" That being said, Felecia vanished again in thin air.

*Thud!* The doors behind closed with a loud bang.

*Ting!* Everyone looked at their talismans glowing brightly with a timer while Kora, on the other hand, ran towards the topmost level of the building in order to stay away from Elliot, while carrying Erisna on his back. Luckily Erisna was small and as light as a feather for a cultivator of Kora's level.


Kora entered a random room and saw a white portal around which air swirled like a tornado and ordinary grey colored wolves leaving the portal one by one. He immediately closed the door behind him while dropping Erisna on her feet.

"Father, I can try killing them!" Erisna exclaimed as the beast core of ordinary wolves were evolved to Rank-1 and at max Rank-2 Elementary Profound Realm. Beasts followed the same cultivation levels to increase their strength, at least that's how people named the cultivation level of beasts.

Kora held her shoulder and dragged her to a corner, "I would provide you with corpses, you take their beast cores out, Okay?" Kora sternly spoke with an ambiguous glint flashing through his azure eyes.

Reluctantly, Erisna nodded. She wanted to do more but her lower cultivation was being a burden to Kora and Kora didn't deny it. It was better this way as it would make Erisna slightly guilty of being useless so that she could try hard to be useful in the future. Kora maintained a benign smile but inwardly laughed at how easy it was to manipulate people's psyche.

He turned his heels and looked imposingly at the 3-4 wolves that already jumped out of the portal.

"In the Sanguine river, let the enemies Drown

Divided into Eight, Bearer of Weapons!

I have the Chakra as my Crown!"

Motes of light emerged from Kora's dantian as they morphed into his Soul Weapon--A golden wheel with eight spokes inside its domain.

*BZZZZ!* It gyrated over Kora's head and an oppressive might seemed to suppress the wolves by just looking at the weapon.

Felecia, watching all of this while floating above the building, narrowed her eyes into slits. 'A Soul Weapon?...', while Erisna also opened her eyes wide as it was uncommon for people to possess a Soul Weapon at low cultivation. The main reason was that it took several years of dedication to form one weapon and Kora was only eighteen. Although Soul Weapon could be stolen, people still have to gain recognition from the Weapon to possess it.

Even when, Kora's cultivation was suppressed to Rank-4, his Soul Weapon carried the might of Rank-7, his original cultivation level. And the Chakra's speed surpassed Rank-8 Elementary Profound Realm cultivators, indisputably.


The grating noise of Chakra filled the room as it darted towards the wolves with a single gesture of Kora's eyes.

Blood, guts, and gore kept raining as Kora passed the corpses to Erisna while killing the wolves coming out of the portal, one after another. Many tried to pounce on Kora but Chakra's ridiculous speed and the control over it with a single thought made it impeccably comfortable for Kora to kill them one by one.

*Creek!" The doors of Kora's room opened as a manly voice came from behind it, "Hey, this room is still closed!"

Kora stopped his hunt and hid the Weapon back in his dantian while flashing the most dashing smile he could, unleashing his full cultivation base.

"Oh is it?" Kora flipped through his black hair and turned to look at two newcomers who felt a chill passing down their spine and they did what anyone else in their situation would, they ran away as soon as they saw Kora sitting on top of a pile of wolves like a throne, it was foolish to fight one of the Ace-talents, with the second-highest cultivation base.

Kora turned to glance at the talisman and from the timer, he could tell, approximately a minute was left. He turned towards Erisna and ordered, "Time to go!" Erisna didn't understand what he meant but soon her expressions turned serious as Kora called back his Soul Weapon and took out a sword from his storage ring.

"We will take other's beast cores?" Erisna asked to confirm her suspicions and at Kora's nod, her brows furrowed as she asked in an acute tone, "Do we really have to do it?" Of course, from Kora's calculations, the number of wolves appearing from the portal considerably decreased over time but he still needed more beast cores, as his goal was to get the first place.

Kora furrowed his brows but didn't reply as he opened the door, gesturing for Erisna to put the entire stash of beast cores into a pouch that Kora gave to her, from his storage ring.

"F-fine!" Erisna still felt culpable for doing nothing and taking up half of Kora's points from the beginning. Her guilt didn't allow her to ask further questions as she nodded and followed the wolf.

As expected, Kora barged into another room where a team of 5 Rank-1's were grouped together.

"Hello, There!" With a deranged smile, Kora closed the door behind as the five people shuddered. They felt a cool breeze passing down from their head to toe as most people already knew Academy purposefully left some loopholes for the students to exploit.

"Young master! All the beast cores are yours!" One of them exclaimed and even kowtowed in fear.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Before all of them started begging Kora, he has already dashed forward with his sword, while restricting their movements with his higher cultivation base.

From the corner of Kora's eyes, a milky white silhouette of a girl with a golden naginata in her small arms darted towards the slowed-down opponents. The Vorka girl skidded and galloped the tip of her naginata towards her opponent's chest.

"Vorka bitch!" The man spat with a venomous tongue and narrowed his eyes, and even though his speed was reduced because of Kora's pressure he could sense everything with his spiritual senses. Kneeling in front of Kora and trying to become his goon was different than doing the same to the 'deceitful' Vorkas. He parried Erisna's attack with a sword slash and as he waited for a follow-up to dodge, observing Erisna's stature, he swirled his sword in an arc towards his exposed left knee and waist awaiting, patiently.

But, instead of a naginata strike,


A wild surging Qi-Blast hit his bare chest, sending him throttling in the air!

He opened his eyes wide as he saw the small palm in front of him from which frenzied Saxe Qi was still leaking into the surroundings.

"A-Absurd!" The man held his bloodied ribs-exposed chest with horror and disbelief.

"Qi-Blast?!" Kora muttered in dubiety. 'Even I have yet to learn Qi-Blast properly.' According to Kora's knowledge, Qi-Blasts required absurd amounts of Qi and thus it was mostly taught to people who at least reached High-Stages Elementary Profound Realm. Furthermore, it was nigh impossible to create one such blast and not face any backlash at Early-Stages or Mid-Stages. Most of the time, one who tries using it, ends up on bed rest for a week.

'No...she is not that stupid!' Kora has already finished off his opponents as he focused his spiritual senses on Erisna's naginata with a sharp glint in his eyes. 'A Soul Weapon?' He sneakily analyzed it while collecting the spoils of war, meanwhile, Erisna plunged her naginata inside the injured man's chest who couldn't even move as Kora's entire cultivation base was focused to restrict the lone survivor.

Focusing his senses on her wrist, Kora saw Erisna hiding a bracelet inside the sleeves of her robes that was shining turquoise.

Although he didn't know what it was, he knew it was precious and that golden naginata, Erisna's Soul Weapon also attracted Kora's attention. He could sell them and earn hundreds of thousands of spirit stones based on their rarity...

'Should I kill her?'