The Hybrid.

'Arcene?' Kora blinked and dumbfoundedly stared at the woman who was staring at him like she saw a ghost.

"WHO DARES INTRUDE IN MY ROOM?" Arcene swayed her eyes wide in rage as she sneakily used a talisman to trigger an emergency signal. Someone who managed to enter her boudoir must be an expert.

A few seconds passed by but no one came to help her...She looked around the room with panic flickering through her eyes looking for something and as she glanced at the ceiling, a golden pentagram formation was glowing, blocking all kinds of communication. As soon as she realized this, Arcene turned around and ran out of the room.

Kora's eyes narrowed, he didn't know what the Queen wanted from him but he had a gut feeling if he let this cunning girl leave, she would paint him in a bad light. After all, it was not his fault, that the Queen threw him in Arcene's room. He released his whole cultivation base of High-Stage Elementary Profound Realm and darted towards Arcene.

Unfortunately for Arcene, she was only at Early-Stage, Rank-3, Elementary profound Realm. Before she could even step out of the room, Kora grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her forcefully. He knew he couldn't kill her, so he immediately grabbed her neck from behind but didn't put enough force to rip it apart.

"HELP!" Arcene shrieked loudly, to keep her mouth shut, Kora put a palm on her mouth and suppressed her movements with his higher cultivation base. He dragged her towards the bed and threw her while sending a wave of a small gust of Qi towards the door to shut it close. Although Kora couldn't Qi blast like Erisna, he could still use a bit of his Qi, to do simple tasks by now, that didn't require much power behind.

"YOU!" Arcene furiously snapped around, but her attempts were futile as Kora got on top of her, and took out her storage ring from her index finger, throwing it into a corner of the room. He pinned her down on the bed with one arm, holding both of her wrists above her head, while his palm covered her mouth. Kora sat on her waist as he looked deeply into Arcene's silver eyes.

Arcene's silver wings fluttered under her, but as her wings were underneath her body, they couldn't move either. She was completely trapped by Kora as she looked into Kora's azure eyes.

"Shut up!" Kora finally spoke as he felt Arcene was under his control, "I don't want to hurt you, Your Highness, Her Majesty sent me down here, otherwise how could I, a High-Stage Elementary Profound Realm enter your secret room?" He tried to reason and spoke clearly in a low voice.

Arcene opened her eyes wide as Kora slowly released his grip to assure Arcene that he was not a threat, "It's a misunderstanding, Your Highness!" He completely released her from his grasp and also removed his hand from her mouth.

"Oh my, Already getting started?" A feminine voice chimed from the direction of the door. Her voice oozed with sarcasm as she looked at Arcene and Kora in a compromising position.

"Your Majesty!" Kora immediately left Arcene behind on the bed, and dropped on his knees, "It's a misunderstanding, That Ralvuzeth sent me here, otherwise how could I know about Her Highness' private quarters?" Kora justified himself and shifted all the blame on the maid.

"M-Mother!" Arcene shivered from fear. Kora noticed this from the corner of his eyes and tried ignoring it for now. Arcene didn't move from her position and just lay on the bed, unwilling to do anything else out of trepidation. Her lips trembled as her body lost all strength, not an ounce of resistance as she moved her gaze away from the Queen. It was like watching a frightened rabbit in front of a wolf, and on top of that, the rabbit was injured, and devoid of any strength.

'Looks like Arcene is having troubles with the Queen...' Kora noted the abnormality in Arcene's actions. At first, he has always thought Arcene was a fearless, controlling, manipulative kind of girl, who could go to any lengths as long as they align with her objectives, but her current state was too deplorable, completely in contrast to the previous Arcene Kora met.

"How rude, You should have asked for my daughter's permission first, right Arcene?" The Queen jabbed and glanced at Arcene who didn't dare meet her gaze and softly nodded.

"..." Kora remained silent. As much as he wanted to get to the bottom of this, he didn't want to open a can of worms and kept looking down at the floor.

"In your stead, I will ask my daughter..." The Queen's malevolent smile reached her eyes as she looked at Arcene whose breathing turned heavy from her mother's gaze, "He is Void, The Ace-level talent everyone is talking about..." She flipped a chock of hair behind her ear as she grinned sinisterly, "What do you think Arcene? Wouldn't he be a perfect mate for you?"

Arcene bit her lips as she spoke in a mosquito-like voice, "i-if you t-think so, then he might be p-perfect f-for m-me..."

"Brilliant!" The Queen exclaimed happily as her smile distorted further, "She thinks you are Perfect!"

"..." Kora emotionlessly stared at the floor. He didn't care about either of these women. He only wanted to find a way to survive this crazy situation.

"..Huh?" The Queen made a surprised expression as Kora kept staring at the floor, "Why are you not jumping at her?" Intrigued, she asked, "A few seconds ago, you couldn't wait to pin her down?"

Kora lifted his gaze and directly met with the Queen's silver eyes. "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

"Mhm..." The Queen displayed a displeased expression as she decided to change her tactics, she craned her head and looked at the chandelier, then, she lifted her index finger and tapped her chin in deep thought, "Void, do you know what happens when a Demon and a Fairy copulate?"

Kora narrowed his eyes, but replied nonetheless, "A hybrid is born..."

"A Hybrid. Correct. And what is so special about this hybrid?" She asked while her lips slowly started turning to an eerie smile.

"It will have the bloodline abilities of both the parents and will be a guaranteed Ace-level Talent! A powerful foe that nobody wishes to deal with..."

"You do know the basics... but you are still missing something important..."

Kora knitted his brows, "The hybrid will die at Ace-Tribulation Realm... because the heavens hate such abominations."

"Correct!" The Queen nodded and continued with the same distorted smile, "But what if someone found a way to make them cross the tribulations of the heavens?" The Queen wondered aloud, "What if there is a path for the child to succeed and reach the heights that no hybrid has ever dared to tread upon, even before The Great Wars of the Fairies and Demons?"

"A real monster will be born, unrivaled at Elemental Lord Realm as it would have the power to wield multiple elements in its palm..." Kora replied in a monotonous voice.

"Yes!" The Queen nodded again as she looked into Kora's azure eyes, "Wouldn't that be magnificent? A hybrid that defies the heavens will and creates storms of fire, boosted by air, turning the muddy ground into sand, and making hailstorms, All at once!"

"..." Kora blankly stared at the mad Queen.

The Queen's smile distorted as she asked, mischievously, "For how long, are you going to keep that veil up?" She smirked malevolently.

Kora gulped as a bad premonition hit his guts, contorting it into a grimace.

'No fucking way!' He chewed on all conversation that happened between him and the Queen with bated breath.

"I want you to impregnate Arcene O Conailli," The Queen reeked of sinisterness, "Kora Le Blank!"