Chapter 003 Ladies' Residence!

Shen Chuyun hung up the phone, but he had no intention of continuing to work.

Su Yu's calm look was all in her mind.


She never thought about it, one day, she will face this word!

After waiting for nearly half an hour, two shadows arrived in a hurry.

One was wearing a slim black down jacket with a big maroon wave, and his face was only the size of a palm.

Her name is Wang Xue, a roommate and best friend of Shen Chuyun University.

A beauty salon is currently open.

The other was also wearing bear pajamas, but with a cloak on the outside, Guazi's face, both eyes with satin pajamas, kept yawning.

Her name is Chen Ling. She is a college classmate of Shen Chuyun and Su Yu. She is currently doing emotional column shows on Wucheng TV station late at night.

At the same time, she is also writing online novels, and she has several romance novels under her name.

The two are friends of Shen Chuyun who still keep in touch with each other frequently.

It was Wang Xue who called just now.

As soon as Wang Xue sat down, she looked excited and curious: "Tell me about his look and attitude just now. Our two love saints will help you analyze it! I think you will be divorced if you want to be a magnificent, beautiful, and rich woman. That's it!"

Chen Ling took off his cloak, leaned on the sofa, scratching her messy hair, and said: "Did you do anything unacceptable lately? He is not the kind of person with a strong personality. We are all. After four years of university with him, he has always been the only person."

Shen Chuyun frowned and said: "No! I have been busy with work this year and have never been to the new house. How could he do things that he cannot accept? ?"

Wang Xue and Chen Ling looked at each other.

Both of them looked dumbfounded and speechless.

Chen Ling said: "My God, one year! You haven't been to see others for the whole year, and you have no emotional exchanges. You are not bullying people like this. Since you have such no feelings for him, then you agree to divorce!"

Wang Xue glared: "Who are you talking to! Is the rich lady your best friend or Su Yu your best friend?"

Chen Ling said, "I'm serious! I'm also speaking for Yunyun!"

Looking at Shen Chuyun, Chen Ling said, "You don't have any feelings for him! When you got married, you went straight to the company at night. Then Su Yu was at a loss in the room, and I am speechless now."

"Three Years, I think you have changed a little bit."

"If you don't tell me today, I don't know. You haven't been to the new house in a year, let alone seen anyone else."

"It's a normal man, I can't stand it!" "

Wang Xue asked curiously: "Rich woman, I ask you a question, you must answer it seriously."


Chuyun said: "You said." Wang Xue said: "How did you feel when he mentioned the divorce? I felt very shocked. , Is generally shocked, or doesn't it feel at all?"

Chen Ling also looked at Shen Chuyun seriously.

Shen Chuyun's expression was a little weird and said: "I thought I would be calm. However, after he left, I felt as if I had lost something in my heart, which made me very uncomfortable."

Wang Xue slapped his chin and said, "That's it! You've been in love for a long time!"

Chen Ling said in an angry voice: "They haven't even pulled their hands, they have been in love for a long time!"

Wang Xue said: "Sister, this is not a long-term love? Well, no, that is also called possessiveness! The rich woman has subconsciously regarded him as her item! I originally thought that this item would stay in her corner and make dust. , Who knows, one day, someone wants this item, she is reluctant to send it out!"

Shen Chuyun nervously said: "Stop talking nonsense! I think he is serious, you tell me, what should I do! My mind is full of his shadow and words now, and I can't even do things."

Wang Xue said with a shocked look: "It seems that you have feelings. When discussing business, I have never seen you so nervous. "

Chen Ling said: "Are you serious about redeeming this relationship?"

Wang Xue squeezed Shen Chuyun's face, patted her slender thighs, and said: "To be honest, I don't think he dares to be true." Divorce. Look at our wealthy wife. We need to have good looks, ability and ability, money and wealth, and family background. How many rich brothers are chasing her? Su Yu looks mediocre and has a family background. Generally, if you didn't take the initiative to post and use him, he wouldn't even have the qualifications to take a look at you."

Chen Ling pondered for a moment: "Is it true or not? I can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow."

Looking at Shen Chuyun, Chen Ling said: " If it's fake, don't lose your temper. Take him out for a meal and coax, everything will disappear."

"Since you are a little bit reluctant, then it will be a big deal for him to do it."

Shen Chuyun's expression was on his face. Suddenly it turned red, and he said angrily: "Nervous! He is angry, I have to sacrifice myself?"

Chen Ling said: "What is sacrifice? You have been married for three years, eldest sister! Under normal circumstances, your children are about to go. It's kindergarten!"

"Isn't it a normal thing for a couple to love me? A slightly more normal couple, if they can bear you for three years, you have to go to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha!"

Wang Xue said: "But, then again. , What if it is a divorce? I can't imagine how he has the confidence to give up your thigh!"

Chen Ling said: "If this is the case, we will find a way to hold him when the time comes. Yunyun, think about it yourself, whether you want to continue walking. If you still only use him as a tool person, let him go."

Shen Chuyun said nonchalantly. "What if, what if I want to keep going?"

Chen Ling smiled: "Isn't it easy? What kind of woman are you Shen Chuyun? A superb woman who combines beauty, talent, wealth, and family background. You want to fall Chasing him, I will teach you a few hands-free to ensure that he will be devoted to you."

Ma Xueer replied: "That's right! Women chasing men, interlayer yarn, not to mention that he is an ordinary family child, you can be with him. Together, it's a blue smoke from his ancestors."

Shen Chuyun sighed and said, "Okay! Then I will meet him at the Civil Affairs Bureau at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, and you will accompany me."


Furthermore, Su Yu Cong Jinyun The game mansion brought the fat man out.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the building, Su Yu sneezed again and again.

The fat man said, "Are you okay?"

Su Yu shook his head and said: "It's okay. By the way, I'm a treat, where do you want to go for dinner?" The

the fat man smiled and said, "Go to the ladies' house for dinner? I always want to go! I heard that there are so many beauties there! Eye-catching! I wanted to go many times, but it was too expensive and I couldn't bear it. I heard that a meal costs thousands of dollars!"

Su Yu smiled and said, "Go ahead!"

The fat man was suppressed and excited: "Really?"

Su Yu stopped a taxi and said, "Do you think I am a joke?" When the

two got into the taxi, the fat man asked, "Aren't you going to divorce Shen Chuyun? How's it going?"

Su Yu said: "Tell her, she has no objection, that's acquiescence."

The fat man exclaimed: "Are you gone? Then let's not go! You will lose her thigh in the future, how can you have financial resources? Don't be lavish now, otherwise, you will cry if you have no money to eat in the future! Say it, you should bear it! She doesn't care about you, you play with yours and use her as an ATM, isn't it all right?"

Su Yu said: "No need." The

fat man wanted to say something, looking in the rearview mirror. Su Yu had closed his eyes to rest his mind, and could only stop.

The two rushed to the ladies' residence.

Oh, the environment inside is very fresh and quiet.

Moreover, there are urban beauties everywhere.

A waitress came over and said: "Two gentlemen, currently there is only an empty table by the window on the second floor of our ladies' residence. However, the price is more expensive." The

fat man asked tentatively, "How much?" The

waitress laughed. Said: "It depends on consumption, but the starting price is 6,000." The

the fat man hurriedly pulled Su Yu and walked: "Fuck, 6,000, this is Lao Tzu's salary for a month! If you don't eat it, it won't be worth it!"

Su Yu Grabbing the fat man's arm, he said to the waitress: "Just this place!" The

two sat down.

The fat man was too excited and nervous.

Seeing Su Yu's calm and calm face, the fat man sighed and said, "It's different when I've been with a rich woman! You and Shen Chuyun often come here to eat?"

Su Yu shook his head and said, "Not once."

Fatty Yi A face of disbelief said: "How is it possible! You have been married for three years!"

Su Yu was about to say something.

At this moment, a slender young woman wearing a rag flower skirt and a shawl with long maroon hair came over.

Especially a pair of big long legs, swaying with the steps, like a weak willow supporting the wind.

Su Yu also glanced at the woman and looked away.

The beauty is good, but one glance is enough.

Watching too much makes people feel uncomfortable.

The woman glanced around, her eyes finally falling on Su Yu.

This man seems to be quite regular.

And, I don't know why, I always feel that although this man looks average, he has an attractive charm.


The woman hesitated for a moment, then walked over, stopped by Su Yu, and said, "Hello, there is no room now, can I ask for a place here?"

Su Yu glanced at the woman and nodded: "You don't dislike it." The

the woman smiled: "Thank you."